Thursday, July 30, 1992

Near Ramallah, Shin Bet arrests 3 members of Hamas-'Izz al-Din al-Qassim faction, believed to be responsible for deaths of 3 Israelis, 20 Gaza Palestinians. (Qol Yisra'el, ITV 8/8 in FBIS 8/10; WP 8/9; JP 8/15)

Palestinian man stabs 2 Israeli policemen in Jerusalem, killing 1, and is shot and killed by a passerby and police. (WP 7/31)

Body of Mahmud Abu Hasan al-Zarini is returned, buried by family in Janin under tight Israeli security. Seven-day commercial strike ends (see 7/22, 27). (MM 7/30)

Jordanian house of reps. issues statement supporting Palestinian national rights and intifada, criticizing all settlements and deportations, and calling for inter-Arab solidarity. (Radio Jordan Network 7/30 in FBIS 7/31)

With Hizballah consent, Syrian-backed Lebanese army force takes over barracks in Ba'labakk, Biqa' Valley, which have been under Hizballah control since 1982. (AFP, Radio Lebanon 7/30 in FBIS 7/31)

Israeli air force raids Jabal Safi, Iqlim al-Tuffah regions, S. Lebanon. Casualties this year from 27 Israeli raids total 44 dead, 100 wounded, mostly civilians. (AFP, Qol Yisra'el 7/30 in FBIS 7/30)