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  • November 19, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Arafat sends letter of support to jailed Israeli activist Abbie Nathan [MET 11/28].

    Ha'Aretz reports that total cost of...

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  • November 17, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: In an article in Ma'ariv, Israeli Justice Minister Dan Meridor says since the outbreak of the intifada 600 Palestinians have been...

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  • August 21, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: CSM reports that by mid-August 91 alleged collaborators had been killed by fellow Palestinians since the intifada began [CSM 8/21]....

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  • February 18, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: O.T.'s trade deficit with Israel is cut by 66% in 1988, according to Bank of Israel UP 2/18]. Curfew is imposed on Tulkarm. Israel lifts...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Arafat sends letter of support to jailed Israeli activist Abbie Nathan [MET 11/28].

Ha'Aretz reports that total cost of IDF activity to combat intifada since it began totals about IS1 billion [FBIS 11/20].

Other Countries: Amnesty International criticizes intifada leaders for endorsing killing of collaborators [MET 11/28].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 3 Palestinians wounded in clashes with IDF in Tulkarm and Nablus [FBIS 11/28].


Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: In an article in Ma'ariv, Israeli Justice Minister Dan Meridor says since the outbreak of the intifada 600 Palestinians have been killed, 350 houses demolished, over 10,000 Palestinians wounded, over 40,000 placed under detention, and 60 deported [FBIS 11/17].

Other Countries: PLO officials meet with Israeli Knesset members in Milan, Italy to discuss Israeli-Palestinian peace opportunities [FJ 11/27].

According to Ma'ariv, U.S. officials claim Israel Aircraft Industries was involved in attempts to smuggle U.S. missile navigation equipment to South Africa in violation of U.S. law [FBIS 11/20].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: IDF declares Ramallah and al-Bireh closed military zones [FJ 11/27].

Incidents in the Nur Shams and Tulkarm camps leave 2 Palestinians wounded from IDF gunfire. At least 8 others wounded in O.T. [FBIS 11/20].

Arab World: Citing PLO sources, Associated Press reports that about 200 dissident members of Abu Nidal organization were recently killed in liquidation campaign in Libya. 300 more fled to Algeria, Tunisia, and Lebanon [FBIS 11/17]. 


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: CSM reports that by mid-August 91 alleged collaborators had been killed by fellow Palestinians since the intifada began [CSM 8/21].

Arab World: Palestine National Fund (PNF) offices in Amman are reopened [FBIS 8/22].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 3 Palestinians are killed, 6 wounded in clashes throughout O.T. General strike in W. Bank. IDF soldier in Tulkarm injured by a rock. Molotov cocktail hurled at a patrol in Jabaliyyah camp, no injuries. Police use rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse stone-throwing youths in E. Jerusalem. Curfew imposed on al-Ram and Dahiyat al-Barid, north of Jerusalem, following clashes between youths and IDF [FBIS 8/22].

Arab World: UNIFIL places forces on alert because of heavy Israeli and SLA military activity in S. Lebanon [FBIS 8/21].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: O.T.'s trade deficit with Israel is cut by 66% in 1988, according to Bank of Israel UP 2/18]. Curfew is imposed on Tulkarm. Israel lifts night curfew imposed on Gaza Strip in order to allow workers to leave Gaza during upcoming 3-day strike [FBIS 2/21]. Tourism in Israel drops 14% in 1988 [NYT 2/19].

Arab World: Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze meets with Syrian pres. Asad [NYT, WP 2/19]. 50 intemational delegations meet in Sanaa, N. Yemen for conference sponsored by Yemeni Council for Peace and Solidarity to discuss Palestinian uprising, nuclear weapons, development, security [AYA 2/27]. Faruq al-Qaddumi meets with U.A.E. pres. Nuhayyan [FBIS 2/23].

Military Action Occupied Palestine/Israel: 14-year-old Palestinian from Rafah dies from wounds received 2/13 [FJ 2/27]. In E. Jerusalem 21-year-old Israeli is stabbed, killed by Palestinian [FBIS 2/21, FJ 2/27]. At least 6 Palestinians are wounded by Israeli troops on W. Bank [FJ 2/27].

Arab World: Israel shells UN peacekeeping patrol in Israeli-imposed security belt in S. Lebanon; 2 Norwegian soldiers are wounded [FBIS 2/21, MET 2/28].