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  • December 18, 1982

    Military Action:

    Mortar and artillery exchanges, sniper fire in Chouf; fighting in Tripoli despite Syrian checkpoints.

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF...

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  • July 6, 1982

    Military Action:

    In the fourth day of the blockade, IDF armored units are concentrated near checkpoints, move to port road as well; new fight-ing erupts, with Presidential Palace, US...

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Military Action:

Mortar and artillery exchanges, sniper fire in Chouf; fighting in Tripoli despite Syrian checkpoints.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF shoots, kills Nablus-area youth, seriously wound another during protest by several hundred high school students over curfew imposed on Balata refugee camp two days earlier (students wave PLO flags, pictures of Arafat); school closed indefinitely, curfew imposed on marketplace; Israeli Palestinians approach Israeli government with offers to aid Palestinian refugees with goods and services.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat, in interview, hints he may order pullback of PLO forces; Gemayel and Wazzan meet with Habib who proposes holding talks in neutral country.

Arab Governments: Syrian information minister, in Kuwait, says Syria lost 5,000 people in invasion, several billion dollars worth of planes and military equipment; King Hussein arrives in Washington for meeting with Reagan.

US and Other Countries: Reagan at press conference, calls for removal of "armies of occupation" for Lebanon.

Military Action:

In the fourth day of the blockade, IDF armored units are concentrated near checkpoints, move to port road as well; new fight-ing erupts, with Presidential Palace, US embassy hit; shelling begins in afternoon, continues into night; IDF bombardment by tanks/ artillery hits PLO ammunition dump in Burj al-Barajneh camp, also target near UNESCO building; USSR compound badly damaged (Syrian outpost nearby); cease-fire called at end of day.


Political and military groups organize garbage removal, flour deliveries to small bakeries, creation of small clinics (only 10 days of flour on hand in W. Beirut; oxygen in short supply, gas almost unavailable); World Council of Churches says hundreds of Lebanese civilians have disappeared, apparently to Israeli internment centers (also charges obstruction of relief efforts, delaying shipping, documentation, unloading and distribution of supplies); after initial denial, IDF admits cutting water/ electricity to W. Beirut (only revealed after journalists found IDF soldiers inside switching station); Lebanese Red Cross calls for intervention to spare the people of Beirut; International Commission of Jurists calls on Israel to grant POW status to estimated 4000 Palestinians taken prisoner; Israeli government considers appointment of Arye Eliav to head rehabilitation efforts for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon (Eliav tentatively accepts pending government decision); suffering of Lebanese civilians from IDF invasion reportedly significantly higher than PLO; danger of cholera/ typhoid epidemics grow in W. Beirut; 3 IDF soldiers wounded at Baabda by PLO shelling.

Political Responses:

Israel/Occupied Territories: Israeli sources report US willingness to station US troops in Beirut (US government later agrees "in principle" to send US troops as PLO escort, but opposition from Congressional leaders grows); Telem faction joins Begin government, giving Likud Bloc one more vote; government reportedly sets July 9 as deadline for diplomatic solution; Sharon, in speech near Tel Aviv, says invasion pre-empted Syrian war plans against Israel; Cabinet rejects 2 parts of US plan (continued PLO political role and 2 PLO units to be attached to Lebanese Army); government dismisses elected mayor and towni council of Jenin (sixth pro-PLO West Bank mayor ousted since November 1981), reportedly for failure to cooperate with new Israeli administrators; tear gas used to disperse Bir Zeit students protesting invasion; curfew imposed on Balata refugee camp near Nablus after bus carrying IDF soldiers stoned; 3 people in Idna near Hebron detained on suspicion of inciting workers to strike.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat rejects PLO evacuation under US supervision or via Sixth Fleet (however, other PLO spokespeople say US/French troops will separate PLO and IDF units, allow PLO evacuation to east); Arafat refers to Habib's "blackmail"; Phalange calls up 2500-3000 high school graduates of 1982 to boost armed strength; Greek Catholic bishop and two priests abducted in the Bekaa area (apparent retaliation for ab-duction of Iranian charge d'affaires on Sunday).

Arab Governments: Syria rejects participation in US plan.

US and Other Countries: Reagan agrees "in principle" to US troops being sent to Lebanon, key Congressional leaders voice concern, opposition to plan; US appeals for restoration of water, electricity to Beirut.

UN: Discussion of French/Egyptian resolution continues.