Military Action:
Mortar and artillery exchanges, sniper fire in Chouf; fighting in Tripoli despite Syrian checkpoints.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF shoots, kills Nablus-area youth, seriously wound another during protest by several hundred high school students over curfew imposed on Balata refugee camp two days earlier (students wave PLO flags, pictures of Arafat); school closed indefinitely, curfew imposed on marketplace; Israeli Palestinians approach Israeli government with offers to aid Palestinian refugees with goods and services.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat, in interview, hints he may order pullback of PLO forces; Gemayel and Wazzan meet with Habib who proposes holding talks in neutral country.
Arab Governments: Syrian information minister, in Kuwait, says Syria lost 5,000 people in invasion, several billion dollars worth of planes and military equipment; King Hussein arrives in Washington for meeting with Reagan.
US and Other Countries: Reagan at press conference, calls for removal of "armies of occupation" for Lebanon.