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  • February 16, 1998

    Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu meets with Mahmud Abbas, adviser to PA head Yasir Arafat, and Palestinian Council (PC) Speaker Ahmad Qurai`. In separate mtg., Arafat meets with...

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  • April 5, 1991

    Under intense pressure to help Kurdish refugees fleeing Iraqi anny, Pres. Bush orders Air Force transports to begin, on 4/7, dropping food, blankets, and clothing to refugee stations along...

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  • November 7, 1990

    Sec. Baker arrives in Moscow for talks with Pres. Gorbachev, F.M. Shevardnadze about possible Soviet backing of UN Sec. Council resolution authorizing use of force against Iraq [WP, NYT 11/8]....

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Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu meets with Mahmud Abbas, adviser to PA head Yasir Arafat, and Palestinian Council (PC) Speaker Ahmad Qurai`. In separate mtg., Arafat meets with Netanyahu adviser Yitzhak Molho. (QY, YA 2/17, YA 2/18 in WNC 2/21; IGPO 2/18)

Israel's Ciechanover Comm., charged with investigating Mossad's attempted assassination of Hamas mbr. Khalid Mishal in Amman 9/25/97, reports its findings to PM Netanyahu. (MM, WP, WT 2/16; ITV 2/16, JT 2/17 in WNC 2/21; CSM, MM, NYT, WP 2/17; IGPO 2/17 in WNC 2/24; NYT 2/18; WJW 2/19; JP 2/21)

Jordan announces arrest of 5 Hizballah mbrs. who infiltrated fr. Syria, allegedly to carry out attacks on Israeli, U.S. targets in Amman. (MM 2/17)

PA police in Bethlehem force closure of Shepherds Television station for airing report on pro-Iraqi demonstrations in West Bank. (LAW 2/19; NYT 2/20; IGPO 3/1) (see 2/14)

Israeli, Palestinian activists hold demonstration outside U.S. consulate in Jerusalem to protest U.S. threats to strike Iraq. (PR 2/20)

Following talks with UK and France 2/14, U.S. cabinet mbrs. draw up guidelines to limit any diplomatic compromise UN Secy. Gen. Kofi Annan might offer Iraqi pres. Saddam Hussein. U.S. Amb. to the UN Bill Richardson carries U.S. position to the UN, where Annan holds 3d mtg. with UN Security Council (UNSC) permanent mbrs., who fail to reach consensus on substance of the message that Annan should carry to Iraq. Meanwhile, U.S. envoy David Newton arrives in Cairo on 1st leg of regional tour to explain the U.S. position on Iraq; he will also visit Saudi Arabia, the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan. (MM 2/16; MENA 2/16 in WNC 2/21; MM, NYT 2/17; MM 2/19)

Under intense pressure to help Kurdish refugees fleeing Iraqi anny, Pres. Bush orders Air Force transports to begin, on 4/7, dropping food, blankets, and clothing to refugee stations along northern border. Bush says he expects Iraq to "permit this effort to be carried out without interference." Other aid is promised by Bush to Turkey and Iran (cf. 4/7) [NYT, WP, LAT 4/6].

Iraq offers 1 week of amnesty for Kurds and army deserters (cf. 4/11) [MEM 4/5; NYT, WP 4/6; MET 4/16].

Taking up issue of rebels in Iraq, UN Sec. Council votes 10-3, with 2 abstentions to condemn Saddam Hussein's oppression of Kurds and other civilians, and to ask Sec.- Gen. to investigate their plight. Cuba, Zimbabwe, and Yemen vote against resolution, while China and India abstain [NYT, WP, LAT 4/6].

GCC nations, laying groundwork for aid program for Egypt and Syria that will tie the countries economically, allocates $5 billion as initial installment; GCC officials say as much as $15 billion could be spent [WP 4/6].

IDF shoots dead Nablus youth during stone throwing clash; 3 Gazans are wounded in separate clash [LAT 4/6; MEM, FJ 4/8].

Sec. Baker arrives in Moscow for talks with Pres. Gorbachev, F.M. Shevardnadze about possible Soviet backing of UN Sec. Council resolution authorizing use of force against Iraq [WP, NYT 11/8].

After meeting with former W. German chancellor Willy Brandt, Saddam orders release of 100 German hostages and 20 more Europeans and Americans [WP 11/8].

Israeli officials says their gov't feels increasingly sure Israel will be drawn into any armed conflict in Gulf and is disturbed because there is no agreement with U.S. about how the 2 nations will coordinate military operations [WP 11/8].

Japanese P.M. Toshiki Kaifu, yielding to deep anti-military feelings in Japan, gives up his effort to pass legislation authorizing dispatch of Japanese troops to Gulf [WP 11/8].

Pres. Mubarak says international coalition allied against Iraq should wait "at least 2 to 3 more months" to determine whether economic sanctions will force Saddam out of Kuwait, and warns Iraqi leader that if he does not remove his troops, war would be inevitable [NYT 11/8].

GCC ministers end 3d extraordinary meeting held in Jeddah; issue statement condemning Iraq's invasion of Kuwait [SPA 11/7 in FBIS 11/8].

Thousands of Israelis turn out for Meir Kahane's funeral in Jerusalem, hundred seek revenge by rampaging through downtown streets breaking shop windows and beating Palestinian bystanders [JDS 11/7 in FBIS 11/8; WP 11/8].