Occupied Palestine/Israel: Peres announces that Labor party will not enter coalition that does not advocate international peace conference [WP 11/22].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Peres announces that Labor party will not enter coalition that does not advocate international peace conference [WP 11/22].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor's Peres announces willingness to enter talks with Likud to form another national unity government [NYT 11/21]. "Civil...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: FM Shimon Peres says that he will negotiate with any Palestinian that recognizes Israel's right to exist and renounces terrorism,...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: A general strike is observed in the occupied territories [NYT 9/9]. PM Shamir dismisses as without "special value" prospective peace...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities place curfews on Tulkarm camp, Dannabah, Bani Na'im, and Husan [FJ 9/7].
Other Countries: U.S. president...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor party leader Shimon Peres states that if elected he would propose tuming demilitarized Gaza Strip over to Arab authority,...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF orders W. Bank schools closed for 3 days [WT 7/5, FJ 7/10]. A general strike is observed in Ramallah to protest Israeli digging near...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel lifts curfew on Nablus [WP 5/18, NYT 5/18]. Curfew is lifted on Beach camp in Gaza, but area is later declared closed military...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Sec. of State Shultz holds talks with P.M. Shamir, F. M. Peres, and Defense Ministry officials [WP 4/5]. Police arrest 8 Kach movement...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Following inner cabinet meeting, 3 Likud ministers call for barring media from W. Bank and Gaza Strip [LAT 2/29]. In Tel Aviv, Sec. of...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Sec. of State Shultz holds separate meetings with P.M. Shamir, F.M. Peres, and Def. Min. Rabin. Palestinian leaders boycott talks with...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In W. Bank town of Baytin, 2 prominent Jewish settlers open fire on demonstrators whose barricade blocks road, killing 1 and wounding...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Peres announces that Labor party will not enter coalition that does not advocate international peace conference [WP 11/22].
Other Countries: The European Community praises PNC for taking "positive steps" at 19th meeting [WP 11/22].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza troops open fire, wound 6 Palestinians with live ammunition [LAT 11/24]. During demonstrations in Tulkarm troops open fire; at least 1 Palestinian is injured [FJ 11/28]
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor's Peres announces willingness to enter talks with Likud to form another national unity government [NYT 11/21]. "Civil administration" announces W. Bank primary schools will reopen 12/1; secondary schools will follow; universities will remain closed [WP 11/22].
Arab World: Egypt announces itrecognized Palestinian state on 11/15 [NYT, WP 11/ 21]. In Amman King Hussein tells CBS News that U.S., Israel are blocking Middle East peace efforts [WP 11/21].
Other Countries: China formally recognizes the State of Palestine [NYT 11/21].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Nar Nablus Israeli troops shoot, kill 1 Palestinian, wound another. In Kafr 'Ayn soldiers wound 1 Palestinian. In Jabalya troops shoot, wound 12-year-old boy. In Hebron Israeli authorities demolish 2Palestinian homes. In Qalandiya camp Israeli soldiers smash doors, windows and overturn cars after their bus is stoned; UNRWA sources state that "well over 20 houses" were damaged [LAT 11/24].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: FM Shimon Peres says that he will negotiate with any Palestinian that recognizes Israel's right to exist and renounces terrorism, regardless of their "biography" [NYT 9/26]. Curfews continue in Tulkarm camp and Dannabah for 25th straight day [FJ 10/2].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Clashes erupt in Beach and Khan Yunis camps, Nablus, Tammun, and Bal'ah [FJ 10/2].
Arab World: In Amman a 22-year-old Palestinian dies from wounds suffered during a 25 May clash on the W. Bank [LAT 9/27].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: A general strike is observed in the occupied territories [NYT 9/9]. PM Shamir dismisses as without "special value" prospective peace talks between President Reagan, Israeli FM Peres, and Egyptian FM 'Abd al-Majid; Likud members of cabinet are trying to prevent Peres from taking part [LAT 9/9].
Other Countries: Faruq al-Qaddumi, head of PLO Political Department, calls on UN to take temporary control of the W. Bank and Gaza Strip [NYT 9/9].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops shoot, kill 36-year-old Palestinian and wound 10 others [WP 9/9]. In Sa'ir 14-dayold boy dies after being exposed to tear gas [FJ 9/11]. The military announces that 2 soldiers and a reserve army doctor will be tried for causing the death of a 17-year-old Palestinian [WP, NYT 9/9].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities place curfews on Tulkarm camp, Dannabah, Bani Na'im, and Husan [FJ 9/7].
Other Countries: U.S. president Reagan expresses desire to meet with Israeli FM Peres and Egyptian FM 'Abd al-Majid at the UN during the last week in September [WP 9/8].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Nablus 2 Palestinians are shot during clashes; one Palestinian is shot, wounded at Qaddurah camp; in Nusayrat 5 Palestinians are shot; in Jaba' one Palestinian is shot; in 'Arurah one Palestinian is wounded [FJ 9/11]. Israeli radio announces the arrest of 50 more Palestinians in Qalqiliyyah [NYT 9/8]. Police announce that a 25-year-old Palestinian has confessed to murdering an Israeli woman [NYT 9/8]. Troops destroy 40 citrus trees near Tulkarm, charge stones were thrown from the orchard [FJ 9/11].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor party leader Shimon Peres states that if elected he would propose tuming demilitarized Gaza Strip over to Arab authority, according to Ha'Aretz [JPS 7/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Nablus 2 Palestinian teenagers die from wounds sustained earlier in the uprising [FJ 7/17]. Troops destroy 2 homes, seal 4 others on the W. Bank [NYT 7/14, FJ 7/17]. In Ramallah and al-Birah troops use rubber bullets, live ammunition to break up demonstrations [FJ 7/17]. Rabin says army will not be able to purchase all weapons it had planned this year because of cost of uprising [NYT 7/14].
Arab World: Previously unknown Palestinian group, Organization of the Martyrs of the Popular Revolution of Palestine, claims responsibility for 11 July attack on Greek tourist ship; spokesman for Fateh condemns the attack [NYT 7/14]. The Islamic Resistance Movement attacks Israeli, SLA positions in S. Lebanon near Kawkaba, 3 Islamic fighters and 1 Israeli soldier are killed [7/18].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF orders W. Bank schools closed for 3 days [WT 7/5, FJ 7/10]. A general strike is observed in Ramallah to protest Israeli digging near al-Aqsa [FJ 7/10].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops use tear gas to break up demonstrations i Bethlehem [WT 7/5]. F.M. Shimon Peres states that the uprising has cost the Defense Ministry more than $162 million; Israel's economy is in danger if uprising continues [WT 7/5]. Israeli police commissioner David Krausstates that Arab nationalists are responsible for 114 of the 210 fires set inside the green line [WT 7/5]. In Husan settlers uproot scores of trees owned by Arabs [FJ 7/10]. In Hebron troops and soldiers fire on stone throwers; 2 are shot [FJ 7/10].
Arab World: Fighting kills at least 24, wounds 67, in Burj al-Barajinah camp in Beirut. Since 1 May at least 151 people have been killed, 594 wounded in inter-Palestinian fighting in the camps outside of Beirut [LAT 7/6].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel lifts curfew on Nablus [WP 5/18, NYT 5/18]. Curfew is lifted on Beach camp in Gaza, but area is later declared closed military zone. Israeli officials announce W. Bank schools will reopen in 3 phases, with first phase starting 5/23. Merchants observe near total strike marking second day of three-day feast at the end of Ramadan [WP 5/18].
Other Countries: Iraeli F.M. Shimon Peres visits Washington for talks with Pres. Reagan and Soviet ambassador to U.S. Yuri Dubinin. [NYT 5/18].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops wound, capture an Arab gunmanear the Jordanian border [5/18]. IDF troops wound man in Qalandiya refugee camp after man tried to seize gun from a soldier [WP 5/18, NYT 5/18, FJ 5/22]. Israeli police enter Maqassad hospital in East Jerusalem, arrest 3 visitors [FJ 5/22]. Israel reprimands 2 soldiers for firing on a village where a Palestinian was killed on 5/26. One soldier is "severely scolded"; the other is given a suspended 35-day jail sentence [NYT 5/18]. Soldiers sweep through jabalya and Bayt Hanun making arrests [FJ 5/22].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Sec. of State Shultz holds talks with P.M. Shamir, F. M. Peres, and Defense Ministry officials [WP 4/5]. Police arrest 8 Kach movement members attacking Umm al-Fahm [WP 4/5]. Israeli authorities demolish Palestinianowned house in Umm al-Fahm because it was built without a license [FJ 4/10]. General strike is observed throughout occupied territories [WP 4/5]. Al-Haq says Raji Surani, Gaza lawyer being held at Kitziot Prison, reports "harsh and inhuman" conditions at newly opened prison [LAT 4/6]. Palestinian from Bani Suhaylah in Gaza Strip dies from wounds sustained 3/30 [FJ 4/10].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops kill Palestinian youth in W. Bank town of Bani Na'im; 2 others are injured. In Balatah refugee camp near Nablus, 1 Palestinian and 1 soldier are injured [WP 4/5]. Balatah ordered under curfew [FJ 4/10]. Soldiers use tear gas, rubber bullets, and live ammunition to disperse several demonstrations in Nablus. At least 2 youths are injured in clashes in Idna village. In Khadir village, near Bethlehem, at least 3 are injured by rubber bullets [FJ 4/10]. Dayr 'Ammar, Kafr Sayla, and Kafr Ni'mah villages are sealed. Jalazun is still under curfew after 22 days. Am'ari camp is also under curfew [FJ 4/10].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Following inner cabinet meeting, 3 Likud ministers call for barring media from W. Bank and Gaza Strip [LAT 2/29]. In Tel Aviv, Sec. of State Shultz meets separately with P.M. Shamir and F.M. Peres [WP 2/29]. Group of 300-400 Israeli Arabs and Jews begins march from Lebanese border to Jerusalem in call for end to occupation of W. Bank, Gaza Strip; march is organized by group called "Red Line" [NYT 3/1].
Arab World: Sec. Shultz holds 3 hours of talks with Egypt's Pres. Husni Mubarak in Cairo [CSM 2/29]. Mubarak voices support for Shultz plan [WP 2/29].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish settlers from Neve Zuf join IDF forces against stonethrowing Palestinian protesters in 'Abbud village, near Ramallah; 2 Palestinians are shot dead; settler is arrested in connection with the shootings [WP 2/29; FJ 3/6]. Army intervenes after settlers from Tekon and el-David settlements open fire in Bethlehem-area village of Faradis [FJ 3/6].
Arab World: Off coast of Tyre, Israeli gunboat attacks small boat, killing 2; 3 others escape. Reports from Lebanon indicate the 5 were Fateh fighters en route to attack Nahariya military base [WP 2/29].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Sec. of State Shultz holds separate meetings with P.M. Shamir, F.M. Peres, and Def. Min. Rabin. Palestinian leaders boycott talks with Shultz [WP 2/27]. Shamir rejects proposed international conference and exchange of land for peace [NYT 2/27]. Members of Likud and Tehiya parties demonstrate outside meeting between Shamir and Shultz [NYT 2/27]. IDF bans media from several W. Bank, Gaza Strip cities [WP 2/27].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Protests are reported throughout the W. Bank and Gaza Strip. In Gaza's Jabalya cmp, youth is killed accidentally by piece of concrete thrown by protesters; some sources claim youth was shot and killed at mosque in Bayt Lahiyah [FJ, LAT 2/28]. At least 20 are hospitalized after soldiers break into homes in Jabalya [H 2/28]. Officials at Gaza's Shifa Hospital reportreating 11 wounded by gunshot, about 20 injured by tear gas, beatings. In Tubas near Nablus, soldiers open fire on worshipers leaving mosque after Palestinian throws knife at officer; bystander is shot, killed. Army is investigating whether Hebron resident was killed by tear gas inhalation or gunfire. Army is also investigating death of resident of 'Arrub refugee camp near Bethlehem; hospital sources report he was shot in chest by soldiers. Army announces arrest of 4 soldiers filmed beating, breaking arms of 2 Palestinians and suspension of unit's deputy commander; the Palestinians are released [WP 2/27; LAT 2/28]. In Jenin 3,000 marching Palestinians clash with IDF troops; soldiers respond to crowd throwing stones and bottles with tear gas, rubber bullets, and live ammunition, wounding 3 [LAT 2/28]. Soldiers shoot, kill 2, wound 6 during clash in Halhul [Fl 3/6]. At least 6 are wounded by gunfire in violent clash in Dahriyyah, near Hebron. Troops in military vehicles accompanied by bulldozer and helicopter clash with villagers in Mazra'ah al-Sharqiyyah, Dayr al-Sudan, Ibwayn, and Mazra'ah al-Nubani [Fl 3/6]. Ya'bad village, near Jenin, is ordered under curfew after Palestinian is run over, killed by military vehicle [Fl 3/6]. Curfews are imposed in Maghazi camp, Rafah's Shabura quarter, and Dayr al-Balah camp; curfews continue in Yamun village and Beach, Jalazun, and Am'ari camps [FJ 2/28].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In W. Bank town of Baytin, 2 prominent Jewish settlers open fire on demonstrators whose barricade blocks road, killing 1 and wounding another [CSM, WP 1/12]. F. M. Shimon Peres meets with UN Undersec. Gen. Marrack Goulding [WP 1/12]. Rafah resident shot 1/8 and Khan Yunis resident also wounded in earlier clash die in Israeli hospital [FJ 1/17]. General strike is observed in E. Jerusalem, W. Bank, and Gaza Strip [FJ 1/17]. Reports indicate 4 Palestinians ordered deported have withdrawn their appeals because their lawyers have been denied access to files [FJ 1/17]. Heads of private schools decide to remain closed until 1/18 [FJ 1/17].
Other Countries: Abraham Sofaer, legal adviser to U.S. State Dept., says closing PLO's UN observer mission would violate international law [NYT 1/13].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops clash with 20 Palestinian women protest ng in front of Qalandiya refugee camp UN office [CSM 1/12]. Khan Yunis demonstrator who allegedly tried to grab soldier's gun is shot dead [WP 1/12]. Balatah refugee camp and Nablus-area village of Bayt Hilma are placed under curfew. Soldiers use tear gas and rubber bullets against crowds waving Palestinian flag at Qalandiya refugee camp. Clashes are also reported in Duhayshah and Tulkarm camps, Bethlehem and 'Azzariyyah (Bethany) [WP 1/12; FJ 1/17]. Palestinian sources report a Khan Yunis resident is beaten to death. Demonstrations are reported in Gaza City, Bayt Hanun, and Jabalya camp. Curfews are imposed on 5 Gaza Strip refugee camps: Khan Yunis, Dayr al-Balah, Maghazi, Nusayrat, and Burayj. Strip is declared closed military zone [FJ 1/17]. Military imposes curfew on 'Askar camp [FJ 1/17].