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  • August 19, 1996

    PM Netanyahu visits Israeli self-declared security zone in s. Lebanon; warns that continued attacks by Hizballah could trigger strong Israeli retaliation. Hrs. later, 1 SLA mbr. is killed by...

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  • May 6, 1991

    Speaking at joint press conference, Pres. Mitterrand, Pres. Gorbachev express support for international peace conference and Palestinian statehood [MEM 5/8].

    Israeli officials and Western...

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  • January 5, 1991

    Pres. Bush says that U.S. military action against Iraq would not necessarily begin immediately after 1/15, even if Iraqi troops had not left Kuwait; Bush meets with UN Sec.- Gen. Perez de Cuellar...

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  • September 12, 1990

    2 U.S. Apache attack helicopters sold to Israel for $350 million each are met at air base by P.M. Shamir, who says U.S. is "obliged" to maintain Israel's military advantage over its Arab neighbors...

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PM Netanyahu visits Israeli self-declared security zone in s. Lebanon; warns that continued attacks by Hizballah could trigger strong Israeli retaliation. Hrs. later, 1 SLA mbr. is killed by roadside bomb. (MM 8/20; RL 8/20 in WNC 8/23; WT 8/21; RMC 8/21 in WNC 8/27) (see 8/16)

In Beirut, Pres. Ilyas Hrawi, Kuwait's Shaykh Sabah discuss peace process, Arab unity. (RL 8/19 in WNC 8/22)

After receiving notices that their land lies in area C and has been designated a military area, Israel demolishes 4 50-yr.-old Palestinian homes nr. Nablus. (LAWE 8/21)

Israeli Housing Min. drafts plan to approve construction of 5,000 new housing units in the West Bank, along the Green Line, over next 2 yrs.; increase West Bank settler population by 70,000 over next 5 yrs. (IDF Radio 8/19 in WNC 8/22; WT 8/21; MM 8/28; JP 8/31)

In the Golan, Israeli police arrest Human Rights Watch worker Bashar Tarabiyya, a U.S. resident, on suspicion that he threatened national security, engaged in pro-Syrian activity. (MM 9/23, 9/27; JP 9/7)

Jordanian security forces round up 100s of people around the country following 3 days of bread riots. 500 have been arrested in Karak alone. Opposition leaders call on PM `Abd al-Karim Kabariti to resign. (JTV, RJ, RMC 8/19, al-Ra`i 8/20 in WNC 8/22; MM, WP 8/20; MEI 9/6) (see 9/18)

Iraq calls on Turkey, Syria to resume as soon as possible tripartite talks on distribution of the Euphrates, Tigris waters, halted since 1992. (Mother of Battles Radio [Baghdad] 8/19 in WNC 8/22) (see 6/30)

FBI announces plans to open 23 new offices around the world--incl. in Ankara, Cairo, Riyadh, Tel Aviv--that will focus on combatting terrorism, drug trafficking that affects the U.S. (WP 8/20)

Speaking at joint press conference, Pres. Mitterrand, Pres. Gorbachev express support for international peace conference and Palestinian statehood [MEM 5/8].

Israeli officials and Western diplomats say Gulf states are weighing relaxation of Arab League economic boycott against Israel and firms that do business with Israel [WP 5/7]. Palestinian and PLO editorials attack Kuwait for planning to ease boycott [MEM 5/7].

Arriving in Riyadh, Def. Sec. Cheney opens efforts to negotiate sweeping changes in U.S.-Arab military relationship that would include permanently stationing weaponry and deploying large numbers of troops during rotating exercises in the Gulf region (cf. 5/9) [WP, NYT 5/7; SPA 5/6 in FBIS 5/7].

Syrian officials say that Lebanese guerrilas fighting against Israeli-backed militias in southern Lebanon should not lay down their weapons under Beirut's plan for disarming all militias: "Weapons of resistance groups ... cannot be touched until the Israeli enemy abandons the border strip" [NYT 5/7].

In letter to UN Sec.-Gen., Iraq asks for 5- year delay on paying war reparations so as to first rebuild its economy. U.S. ambassador to UN Thomas Pickering says Sec. Council is unlikely to ease that part of cease-fire agreement [NYT 5/7].

Pres. Bush says that U.S. military action against Iraq would not necessarily begin immediately after 1/15, even if Iraqi troops had not left Kuwait; Bush meets with UN Sec.- Gen. Perez de Cuellar at Camp David [NYT, LAT, WP 1/6].

In an interview with French legislator, Saddam says he is prepared to make certain "sacrifices" in return for guarantees that Iraq will not be attacked [WP 1/8].

U.S. State Dep't. rebukes Israel for increasing its firepower in recent clashes with Palestinians and apparently abandoning moderation IDF showed last summer [NYT 1/6].

F.M.'s of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Syria meet in Riyadh for 2-day talks to review Gulf crisis [DDS 1/5, MENA, SPA 1/6 in FBIS 1/7; WP 1/7].

Guido de Marco, Pres. of UN Gen. Assembly, arrives in Amman after visit to o.t.; calls for swift action to convene international conference on Middle East peace, says that worsening tension in o.t. is unacceptable [ADS 1/5 in FBIS 1/7]. 

Israeli helicopters shell "resistance" targets in Biqqa Valley in S. Lebanon [BDS 1/5 in FBIS 1/7]; Israel denies incident [WP 1/6].

IDF shoots dead infiltrator; Israeli officer is wounded in clash after man is spotted crossing border from Jordan into Israel [MEM 1/7].

2 U.S. Apache attack helicopters sold to Israel for $350 million each are met at air base by P.M. Shamir, who says U.S. is "obliged" to maintain Israel's military advantage over its Arab neighbors. Sale is part of deal that includes 16 additional Apaches, 60 F-16 fighter-bombers, 10 Sikorsky helicopters, and Stinger missiles [LAT 9/13].

Iran's "supreme leader" Ayatollah Khamenei declares jihad against U.S. forces in Saudi Arabia, calls American policy "greedy, bullying, and shameless"; denounces Saudis for inviting Americans in, he states: "a force that enters a country to defend it will grow to impose its will on the host and to humiliate it" [LAT, NYT, WT, WP, MEM 9/13].

PLO Exec. Committee releases statement in Tunis on Gulf situation, stressing linkage issue and regretting U.S. stance; Arafat meets with King Hussein on political solutions to Gulf crisis "within an Arab framework" [MEM 9/13].

In response to lawsuit brought by Israeli gov't, state supreme court in New York issues temporary order blocking U.S. publication of Victor Ostrosky and Claire Hoy's book By Way of Deception. A Devastating Insider's Portrait of the Mossad [NYT, WT, WP 9/13].

Pres. Asad, preparing for meeting with Sec. Baker on 9/14, says U.S. troops will leave Saudi Arabia when crisis is over: "The problem now is not the presence of foreign troops in the gulf. The problem is Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.... When it is over I am sure that all foreign troops will withdraw" [NYT, WT 9/13].

In Mecca, International Islamic Conference attended by 350 Islamic scholars from 80 countries ends after 3 days of heated debate; communique calls for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait, finds foreign troop presence in Saudi Arabia legitimate under current circumstances but emphasizes that they must leave region as soon as Iraq withdraws; calls for creation of permanent Pan-Islamic force for future conflicts  [SPA 9/13 in FBIS 9/13; LAT, WP 9/14].

On tour of Middle East, Chrmn. of U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Colin Powell, arrives in Riyadh on 2-day visit to Gulf [WAKH 9/13, 9/14, SPA 9/13 in FBIS 9/14].

Speaking before European Parliament, Italian F.M. Andreotti says Gulf crisis could make more difficult a solution to Palestinian and Lebanese conflicts; he repeats EC's support for UN resolution demanding Israeli withdrawal from W. Bank and Gaza [MEM 9/13].

EC passes resolution 301 to 37 condemning Iraqi invasion, calling for withdrawal, but stating that only diplomatic solution can resolve crisis [MEM 9/13].