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  • March 8, 1991

    Baghdad releases 2 U.S. POWs, 40 journalists, and hundreds of Kuwaiti POWs, as well as 1,181 who had been abducted by Iraqi troops. More than 6,300 American soldiers arrive in U.S. during 1st full...

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  • February 9, 1991

    Pres. Gorbachev warns that Gulf war is threatening to go beyond UN mandate to remove Iraq from Kuwait [NYT, WP 2/10; MEM 2/11].

    SCUD missile hits Tel Aviv neighborhood, wounding 26 Israelis...

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Baghdad releases 2 U.S. POWs, 40 journalists, and hundreds of Kuwaiti POWs, as well as 1,181 who had been abducted by Iraqi troops. More than 6,300 American soldiers arrive in U.S. during 1st full day of nonstop homecomings [LAT, NYT 3/9].

During 2 1/2-hour meeting in Riyadh, Sec. Baker outlines to King Fahd 4 U.S. policy goals announced by Pres. Bush on 3/6. King agrees to take active role in support of U.S., but offers no specific commitments [NYT, LAT 3/9; RIDS 3/8 in FBIS 3/11; MET 3/19].

Iranian Pres. Rafsanjani expresses sympathy for rebels trying to overthrow Saddam Hussein; calls for Saddam to surrender "to the will of the people" [LAT, NYT 3/9].

In interview with journalists from Morocco, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait, Pres. Bush says PLO has "lost credibility" after siding with Iraq; Bush dismisses chances for U.S.-PLO talks any time soon [WP 3/10].

EC "troika" ministers meet with King Hussein to discuss Middle East peace proposals [ADS 3/8 in FBIS 3/8].

Pres. Gorbachev warns that Gulf war is threatening to go beyond UN mandate to remove Iraq from Kuwait [NYT, WP 2/10; MEM 2/11].

SCUD missile hits Tel Aviv neighborhood, wounding 26 Israelis, none seriously [IDF 2/9 in FBIS 2/11; NYT, WP 2/10].

Front-page editorial in Al Thawra, leading Syrian newspaper, urges Iraqis to "liquidate" Saddam in extraordinary personal attack on Iraqi pres. [NYT 2/10].

British For. Sec. Douglas Hurd arrives in Riyadh from Ta'if, continues discussions with Saudi and Kuwaiti leaders [SPA 2/9 in FBIS 2/11].

Jordanian newspaper publishes "complete text" of minutes of meeting between UN Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar and Saddam Hussein in Baghdad on 1/13 [DUS 2/9 in FBIS 2/11].