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  • March 8, 1991

    Baghdad releases 2 U.S. POWs, 40 journalists, and hundreds of Kuwaiti POWs, as well as 1,181 who had been abducted by Iraqi troops. More than 6,300 American soldiers arrive in U.S. during 1st full...

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  • January 26, 1991

    Saudi and U.S. officials ready barricades and dispersal chemicals to try to keep oil slick flowing south from Kuwait from reaching desalinization plants on Gulf. Iraq says spill was caused by...

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  • January 5, 1991

    Pres. Bush says that U.S. military action against Iraq would not necessarily begin immediately after 1/15, even if Iraqi troops had not left Kuwait; Bush meets with UN Sec.- Gen. Perez de Cuellar...

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  • October 29, 1990

    UN Sec. Council votes 13-0, with 2 abstentions (Yemen and Cuba) for resolution declaring Iraq responsible for all damage and personal injuries resulting from occupation of Kuwait; laying the...

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Baghdad releases 2 U.S. POWs, 40 journalists, and hundreds of Kuwaiti POWs, as well as 1,181 who had been abducted by Iraqi troops. More than 6,300 American soldiers arrive in U.S. during 1st full day of nonstop homecomings [LAT, NYT 3/9].

During 2 1/2-hour meeting in Riyadh, Sec. Baker outlines to King Fahd 4 U.S. policy goals announced by Pres. Bush on 3/6. King agrees to take active role in support of U.S., but offers no specific commitments [NYT, LAT 3/9; RIDS 3/8 in FBIS 3/11; MET 3/19].

Iranian Pres. Rafsanjani expresses sympathy for rebels trying to overthrow Saddam Hussein; calls for Saddam to surrender "to the will of the people" [LAT, NYT 3/9].

In interview with journalists from Morocco, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait, Pres. Bush says PLO has "lost credibility" after siding with Iraq; Bush dismisses chances for U.S.-PLO talks any time soon [WP 3/10].

EC "troika" ministers meet with King Hussein to discuss Middle East peace proposals [ADS 3/8 in FBIS 3/8].

Saudi and U.S. officials ready barricades and dispersal chemicals to try to keep oil slick flowing south from Kuwait from reaching desalinization plants on Gulf. Iraq says spill was caused by allied bombing; U.S. contends it was deliberate act by Iraqi troops [NYT, WP 1/27].

Patriot missiles intercept 5 SCUDS over Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Riyadh [IDF 1/26 in FBIS 1/28; NYT, WP 1/27].

Teheran radio reports 7 Iraqi planes have been allowed to make emergency landings in Iran, and that 1 of the planes crashed and exploded on landing. Teheran says planes will be impounded. U.S. says dozens of other Iraqi planes have been flown to Iranian airbases over past week [NYT, WP 1/27].

About 75,000 people march in Washington, D.C., protesting U.S. involvement in Gulf war; protest also takes place in San Francisco, while scattered counterdemonstrations, supporting Pres. Bush occur. Protesters also march in Bonn [NYT, WP 1/27].

Yasir Arafat meets with King Hassan in Rabat to discuss Gulf war [RADS 1/26 in FBIS 1/29].

Pres. Bush says that U.S. military action against Iraq would not necessarily begin immediately after 1/15, even if Iraqi troops had not left Kuwait; Bush meets with UN Sec.- Gen. Perez de Cuellar at Camp David [NYT, LAT, WP 1/6].

In an interview with French legislator, Saddam says he is prepared to make certain "sacrifices" in return for guarantees that Iraq will not be attacked [WP 1/8].

U.S. State Dep't. rebukes Israel for increasing its firepower in recent clashes with Palestinians and apparently abandoning moderation IDF showed last summer [NYT 1/6].

F.M.'s of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Syria meet in Riyadh for 2-day talks to review Gulf crisis [DDS 1/5, MENA, SPA 1/6 in FBIS 1/7; WP 1/7].

Guido de Marco, Pres. of UN Gen. Assembly, arrives in Amman after visit to o.t.; calls for swift action to convene international conference on Middle East peace, says that worsening tension in o.t. is unacceptable [ADS 1/5 in FBIS 1/7]. 

Israeli helicopters shell "resistance" targets in Biqqa Valley in S. Lebanon [BDS 1/5 in FBIS 1/7]; Israel denies incident [WP 1/6].

IDF shoots dead infiltrator; Israeli officer is wounded in clash after man is spotted crossing border from Jordan into Israel [MEM 1/7].

UN Sec. Council votes 13-0, with 2 abstentions (Yemen and Cuba) for resolution declaring Iraq responsible for all damage and personal injuries resulting from occupation of Kuwait; laying the groundwork for seizure of impounded Iraqi assets; and warning that if Iraq continues to ignore its resolutions, UN would take "further measures under the Charter" [NYT, LAT, WP, MEM 10/30].

In separate but coordinated speeches, Pres. Bush and Sec. Baker warn Saddam the U.S. would not shrink from "use of force" if Iraq continued to occupy Kuwait. In contrast, Pres. Gorbachev says after meeting with Pres. Mitterrand that Iraq may be softening its stand and that "it's unacceptable to have a military solution to this question" [NYT, LAT, WP 10/30].

Los Angeles Times reports Bush admin. will meet next week to discuss timetable for possible use of force against Iraq at talks with U.S. allies in Europe and Gulf [LAT 10/30].

In Paris for meetings with French P.M. Rocard, Israeli F.M. Levy asks for financial aic in settling Soviet Jewish immigrants in Israel [MEM 10/30].

U.S.-based Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, together with leading Soviet Jews, opens Bureau of Exit, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law - a bureau officially sanctioned by Moscow to help people who want to leave USSR for Israel and elsewhere [LAT 10/30].

Speaking in hour-long interview taped for CNN news, Saddam says Iraq would no sooner leave Kuwait than the U.S. would leave Hawaii, but holds out that diplomatic solution is still possible [LAT, WP 10/30; INA 10/31 in FBIS 11/1].

Pres. Bush meets with House and Senate leaders to discuss Gulf crisis, but says he would have "no hesitancy" about ordering an attack on Iraq without congressional approval [LAT 10/30].

King Fahd meets in Riyadh with Soviet envoy Primakov to discuss Gulf crisis [SPA 10/29 in FBIS 10/30].

UNLU issues call no. 63 - "call of the second anniversary of independence" [AVP 10/30 in FBIS 10/31; MEM 10/30].