Saudi and U.S. officials ready barricades and dispersal chemicals to try to keep oil slick flowing south from Kuwait from reaching desalinization plants on Gulf. Iraq says spill was caused by...
U.S. accuses Iraq of releasing millions of gallons of Kuwaiti crude oil into Gulf; officials say it will have little military significance, but threatens ecology on scale larger than Exxon Valdez...
UN Sec. Council votes 13-0, with 2 abstentions (Yemen and Cuba) for resolution declaring Iraq responsible for all damage and personal injuries resulting from occupation of Kuwait; laying the...
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Sec. Baker arrives in Kuwait City and presses Kuwaiti gov't. for greater democracy and more respect for human rights [WP, LAT, MEM 4/23; MET 4/30].
GCC committee for finance and economic cooperation opens meetings in Riyadh; ministers set up multi-billion dollar development fund [MEM 4/22, 4/23; SPA 4/22 in FBIS 4/23].
In Baghdad, autonomy talks between Kurdish leaders and Iraqi gov't. enter 3d day [NYT 4/23]; exiled Iraqi Shiite leaders denounce Baghdad talks [LAT 4/23].
Kurdish leaders again call for more international aid, ask that refugee camps be enlarged [WP 4/23].
IDF lifts ban on journalists freely entering o.t. that was imposed 1/17 at stalt of Gulf war, according to Israeli Defense Ministry [MEM 4/22].
Report by opposition members of Knesset, including Dedi Zucker, says Shamir gov't. is enticing Jews to o.t. with large, low-cost mortgages; settlers receive 50% more aid than other Israelis, report states [MEM 4/23].
Kuwait gov't. announces that registration of all non-Kuwaiti residents has begun. Expatriates are told they risk 6 months in prison if they do not bring papers to Interior Ministry for vetting [MEM 4/23].
Pres. Gorbachev warns that Gulf war is threatening to go beyond UN mandate to remove Iraq from Kuwait [NYT, WP 2/10; MEM 2/11].
SCUD missile hits Tel Aviv neighborhood, wounding 26 Israelis, none seriously [IDF 2/9 in FBIS 2/11; NYT, WP 2/10].
Front-page editorial in Al Thawra, leading Syrian newspaper, urges Iraqis to "liquidate" Saddam in extraordinary personal attack on Iraqi pres. [NYT 2/10].
British For. Sec. Douglas Hurd arrives in Riyadh from Ta'if, continues discussions with Saudi and Kuwaiti leaders [SPA 2/9 in FBIS 2/11].
Jordanian newspaper publishes "complete text" of minutes of meeting between UN Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar and Saddam Hussein in Baghdad on 1/13 [DUS 2/9 in FBIS 2/11].
Saudi and U.S. officials ready barricades and dispersal chemicals to try to keep oil slick flowing south from Kuwait from reaching desalinization plants on Gulf. Iraq says spill was caused by allied bombing; U.S. contends it was deliberate act by Iraqi troops [NYT, WP 1/27].
Patriot missiles intercept 5 SCUDS over Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Riyadh [IDF 1/26 in FBIS 1/28; NYT, WP 1/27].
Teheran radio reports 7 Iraqi planes have been allowed to make emergency landings in Iran, and that 1 of the planes crashed and exploded on landing. Teheran says planes will be impounded. U.S. says dozens of other Iraqi planes have been flown to Iranian airbases over past week [NYT, WP 1/27].
About 75,000 people march in Washington, D.C., protesting U.S. involvement in Gulf war; protest also takes place in San Francisco, while scattered counterdemonstrations, supporting Pres. Bush occur. Protesters also march in Bonn [NYT, WP 1/27].
Yasir Arafat meets with King Hassan in Rabat to discuss Gulf war [RADS 1/26 in FBIS 1/29].
U.S. accuses Iraq of releasing millions of gallons of Kuwaiti crude oil into Gulf; officials say it will have little military significance, but threatens ecology on scale larger than Exxon Valdez disaster. Pres. Bush says spill is "sick" act of desperation, orders Pentagon to find way to stop leak [WAKH 1/26 in FBIS 1/28; NYT, LAT 1/26].
Iraqi SCUD missile hits Riyadh, killing 1 person and wounding 6; 7 missiles are fired at Israel, all are reportedly intercepted by Patriot missiles, but falling debris kills 1 and injures 42 others [RIDS, JAA, IDF 1/25 in FBIS 1/28; NYT, LAT 1/26].
New York Times reports that Pan American World Airways has refused to carry Iraqi passengers since 1/16, for fear of terrorism like that which destroyed Pan Am flight over Lockerbie 2 years ago [NYT 1/26].
Iranian Pres. Rafsanjani restates neutrality in Gulf war; strongly rejects idea that Iran join with Iraq, saying that would be suicide and would mean Iran approved of Iraq remaining in Kuwait [NYT 1/26].
Soviet F.M. Alexander Bessmertnykh meets with members of PLO Executive Committee to explore ways to end Gulf war [LAT 1/26].
EC lifts all restrictions on Israel because of its restraint under Iraqi missile attack; restrictions were imposed in January 1990 to protest closure of Palestinian schools [MEM 1/25].
UN Sec. Council votes 13-0, with 2 abstentions (Yemen and Cuba) for resolution declaring Iraq responsible for all damage and personal injuries resulting from occupation of Kuwait; laying the groundwork for seizure of impounded Iraqi assets; and warning that if Iraq continues to ignore its resolutions, UN would take "further measures under the Charter" [NYT, LAT, WP, MEM 10/30].
In separate but coordinated speeches, Pres. Bush and Sec. Baker warn Saddam the U.S. would not shrink from "use of force" if Iraq continued to occupy Kuwait. In contrast, Pres. Gorbachev says after meeting with Pres. Mitterrand that Iraq may be softening its stand and that "it's unacceptable to have a military solution to this question" [NYT, LAT, WP 10/30].
Los Angeles Times reports Bush admin. will meet next week to discuss timetable for possible use of force against Iraq at talks with U.S. allies in Europe and Gulf [LAT 10/30].
In Paris for meetings with French P.M. Rocard, Israeli F.M. Levy asks for financial aic in settling Soviet Jewish immigrants in Israel [MEM 10/30].
U.S.-based Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, together with leading Soviet Jews, opens Bureau of Exit, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law - a bureau officially sanctioned by Moscow to help people who want to leave USSR for Israel and elsewhere [LAT 10/30].
Speaking in hour-long interview taped for CNN news, Saddam says Iraq would no sooner leave Kuwait than the U.S. would leave Hawaii, but holds out that diplomatic solution is still possible [LAT, WP 10/30; INA 10/31 in FBIS 11/1].
Pres. Bush meets with House and Senate leaders to discuss Gulf crisis, but says he would have "no hesitancy" about ordering an attack on Iraq without congressional approval [LAT 10/30].
King Fahd meets in Riyadh with Soviet envoy Primakov to discuss Gulf crisis [SPA 10/29 in FBIS 10/30].
UNLU issues call no. 63 - "call of the second anniversary of independence" [AVP 10/30 in FBIS 10/31; MEM 10/30].