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  • April 8, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres states in keynote speech opening Labor party convention that Israel recognizes the Palestinians "as a nation," states Israel...

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  • November 3, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli official states U.S. involvement in secret diplomatic contacts between Jordan, Egypt, and Israel is intensifying daily [WP, CSM...

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  • July 29, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shops in East Jerusalem go on general strike again to protest closure of Hospice Hospital [FJ 8/2]. Proposal to erect a settlement on...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres states in keynote speech opening Labor party convention that Israel recognizes the Palestinians "as a nation," states Israel is trying to "create interim conditions for an interim arrangement" in the occupied territories until their final status is resolved [DT 4/10]. Egyptian delegation headed by Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Butrus-Ghali attends the convention, as well as delegations from 20 other countries [JP 4/9].

Arab World: Former chief of intelligence for the PLO, 'Atallah 'Atallah (Abu Za'im), is reported to have been touring Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan delivering speeches critical of policies of Yasir Arafat and blaming him for the collapse of dialogue with King Hussein; Abu Za'im's statements have been given front-page coverage in Amman [JP 4/8; NYT 4/9]. Chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Abba Eban arrives in Cairo for a visit [JP 4/9].

Other Countries: U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy, originally scheduled to accompany Vice Pres. George Bush on his M.E. tour, stops instead in Cairo and then proceeds to Israel; Bush tells press conference Murphy is investigating a new peace initiative [LAT, BG 4/9].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Firebomb is thrown at bus on northern edge of Jerusalem, injuring 9 Israeli passengers; police detain 17 Palestinians for questioning [LAT, WP 4/9]. A bomb explodes in Afula, injuring a soldier; WAFA, the Palestine News Agency, states the PLO is responsible for placing the bomb [WP, LAT 4/9].

Arab World: Suicide bomber drives car into checkpoint near Hasbayya, at edge of Israeli-declared "security zone," killing himself and injuring 3 SLA militiamen and 3 civilians; the pro-Syrian Lebanese Ba'th party claims responsibility [WP, NYT 4/9]. Car bomb in Christian port city of Juniyah kills 10, injures over 100; no one claims responsibility [WP, NYT 4/9]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli official states U.S. involvement in secret diplomatic contacts between Jordan, Egypt, and Israel is intensifying daily [WP, CSM 11/4].

Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports Israeli military expels 4 leading Druze shaykhs from village of Hasbaya in security zone in S. Lebanon [JP 11/3]. Israeli settlers in the Golan Heights block bridges leading there, stage demonstrations against their poor financial situation; settlements there owe $20 million to Northern Moshavim Purchasing Association [JP 11/3; JTA 11/4]. Institute for Strategic Studies in London annual report, Survey of Military Balances, states that Syria has almost 3 times as many troops in regular army as Israel [JP 11/3].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bomb explodes in Afula (5th in recent weeks); no injuries. Palestinians are rounded up for questioning [JP 11/4]. Bomb goes off at bus stop near French Hill; no injuries [JP 11/4]. Katyusha rockets land in Galilee; no casualties [JTA 11/4].

Arab World: Three people trying to smuggle explosives into 'Aysha village in S. Lebanon using a donkey are killed when SLA militiamen open fire on them, detonating the explosives [JP 11/4]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shops in East Jerusalem go on general strike again to protest closure of Hospice Hospital [FJ 8/2]. Proposal to erect a settlement on spot where two Afula schoolteachers were murdered is presented to Zionist Executive by Jewish Agency Settlement Department Cochairman Nissim Zvilli [JP 7/29]. Shimon Barda, head of the "Lifta Gang," is convicted by the Jerusalem district court of conspiring to blow up the Dome of the Rock. Sentencing will follow [JP 7/30]. Knesset finance committee freezes IS 354 million for Kiryat Arba's local council until Attomey General Zamir gives legal opinion on council's proposal to dismiss Palestinian workers [JP 7/30]. Knesset appoints seven-minister committee to make recommendations regarding punishment of those convicted of politically motivated killings [BG 7/29]. Voice of America reports Israel seeks American banks to operate in Israel, to boost ailing Israeli banking system; at least one is reportedly interested [JTA 7/3 1]. Koterit Rashit reports Israeli firms are studying 70 proposed business projects in China, including construction of 2 hotels and an airport. The Daily Telegraph cites report in Jane's Defence Weekly stating secret military links were opened between Israel and China in 1979, a $3 billion arms deal was recently concluded, and Israeli military advisers have served with Chinese ground and air force units [JC, DT 7/29].

Arab World: The United Arab Emirates is second state to confirm attendence at upcoming Arab summit meeting. Syria, Lebanon, and South Yemen will not attend [FT 7/30, LT 8/2]. Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Egypt back the summit call [JP 7/30, FT 7/31].

Military Action

Arab World: Israeli planes attack Palestinian base used by the PFLP-GC in eastern Lebanon; no casualty reports [WP 7/30].