Military Action:
Syrian forces shoot down pilotless Israeli drone aircraft over Beqaa valley; PLO rebels announce open-ended cease-fire in Tripoli area; IDF reports several guerrillas...
Military Action:
Syrian forces shoot down pilotless Israeli drone aircraft over Beqaa valley; PLO rebels announce open-ended cease-fire in Tripoli area; IDF reports several guerrillas...
Military Action:
IDF Border Police and General Security Services HQ in Tyre destroyed by car bomb, Islamic Jihad group claims responsibility; Israeli Air Force attacks PSP and Palestinian...
Military Action:
Baddawi and Nahr al-Bared refugee camps hit by intense tank and artillery barrages from anti-Arafat forces, Arafat says Syrian and Libyan units participate; oil storage...
Military Action:
IDF completes overnight withdrawal; heavy artillery, machine-gun battles between LF [Lebanese Forces-Phalange militia] and PSP militia as each moves to occupy former IDF...
Military Action:
Syrian Army encircles loyalist Fateh positions in Beqaa, prevents movement of arms and ammunition; Muslim militias battle in Tripoli.
10 killed in...
Military Action:
Syria fires at unmanned Israeli reconnaissance aircraft, shells IDF positions in Bekaa Valley; IDF patrol attacked in Chouf where cease-fire continues; US State Dept....
Military Action:
Syria reported to have East German and Cuban military advisers assisting with newly acquired Soviet equipment and upgrading military command and control structure; Haddad...
Military Action:
Syrian forces shoot down pilotless Israeli drone aircraft over Beqaa valley; PLO rebels announce open-ended cease-fire in Tripoli area; IDF reports several guerrillas killed, arms and ammunition caches seized in Beqaa.
Massive prisoner exchange takes place as 6 IDF POWs released by PLO, 4500 Arab prisoners, including 63 Palestinians convicted of attacks in Israel, and 37 Palestinians arrested at sea in late September by Israeli navy off the coast of tripoli, released by Israel; Ansar camp closed, 3400 prisoners remain in Lebanon, 1100 flown by Air France to Algeria; IDF returns Palestinian Research Center archives seized in Beirut during 1982 invasion.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Council of Jewish Settlements on West Bank and Gaza criticizes release of Palestinians from Israeli prisons, calls for death penalty in certain cases to prevent repetition.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Saudi FM, in Damascus, says general agreement has been reached for cease-fire and withdrawal of all Palestinian forces in and around Tripoli, practical steps under discussion; Lebanese government announces it will break diplomatic relations with Iran, freeze relations with Libya.
US and Other Countries: White House announces that Reagan will meet Gemayel on December 1.
Military Action:
IDF Border Police and General Security Services HQ in Tyre destroyed by car bomb, Islamic Jihad group claims responsibility; Israeli Air Force attacks PSP and Palestinian targets in Aley, Bhamdoun and Sofar areas near Beirut-Damascus highway, Syrian positions at Sofar reportedly hit, 16 T-54 tanks destroyed; heavy fighting continues in Tripoli around Baddawi and Nahr al-Bared refugee camps.
29 IDF personnel, mostly Druze border police, 10 Palestinian and Lebanese detainees killed, 29 Israelis, 3 Palestinians and Lebanese wounded in Tyre bombing, 7 more IDF soldiers wounded when ammunition explodes in rubble; up to 60 killed, 100 wounded in Israeli air attacks, PFLP-GC HQ destroyed; 24-hour curfew imposed on Tyre; 6 prisoners killed at Ansar when bulldozer collapses escape tunnel.
Political Responses:
Israeli/ Occupied Territories: Arens says it doesn't matter who mounteid attack on IDF HQ in Tyre, Lebanon is one big network of murderers and Israel will hit back strongly; advocate Lea Tsemel reveals that Israeli prison service used teargas against 30 Palestinian women prisoners in their cells at Neve Tertza prison on October 3 1.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Geneva talks adjourn, Gemayel to travel to US, European and Arab capitals, talks to resume on November 14; Arafat, under fire in Tripoli, says Syrians want to eliminate him so as to gain control of PLO as part of American-Syrian deal.
US and Other Countries: US Intelligence reportedly focuses on Islamic Amal movement, based in Baalbek, as being associated with Beirut bombings; Defense Department tests and plans to order $200 million worth of Israeli-designed anti-tank weapons, to be manufactured in US.
Military Action:
Baddawi and Nahr al-Bared refugee camps hit by intense tank and artillery barrages from anti-Arafat forces, Arafat says Syrian and Libyan units participate; oil storage tanks at Tripoli port hit by artillery; IDF patrol hit by explosion near Zahrani river.
50-100 killed, 100-200 wounded in fighting around Tripoli; 3 IDF soldiers wounded near Zahrani.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Deposed mayors Khalaf and Shaka'a placed under house arrest to prevent official meeting with British Foreign Office minister, Shakaa also refused permission to travel to US.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Geneva conference participants agree to put aside issue of May 17 agreement, permit Gemayel time to explore means to end Israeli occupation and ensure national sovereignty; Arafat appeals to Arab and Non-aligned heads of state for support. US and Other Countries: Donald Rumsfeld, Defense Secretary in Ford administration, succeeds McFarlane as Special Envoy to Middle East.
Military Action:
IDF completes overnight withdrawal; heavy artillery, machine-gun battles between LF [Lebanese Forces-Phalange militia] and PSP militia as each moves to occupy former IDF positions; LAF dislodges PSP forces at Kf. r Matta and Khaldeh, fires artillery at PJP positions in Chouf; Israeli jets strafe column of Syrian tanks, reportedly under PSP control, attacking LF positions near Sofar, several tanks destroyed; LF encircles PSP stronghold at Aley, PSP militia encircles Bhamdoun.
34 killed, 25-71 wounded in Beirut and Chouf; car bomb in Shi'ite neighborhood of Haret Hreik kills 11, injures dozens.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Arens warns Syria against entering areas evacuated by IDF; Mustafa Dudeen, chairman of West Bank Villages Leagues, resigns.
Military Action:
Syrian Army encircles loyalist Fateh positions in Beqaa, prevents movement of arms and ammunition; Muslim militias battle in Tripoli.
10 killed in Tripoli fighting.
Political Responses:
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Fateh rebel leader Abu Musa denies Syrian tank support in recent fighting; PLO Research Center in Beirut closed and sealed by Lebanese authorities.
Arab Governments: 20 Palestinian students, said to be members of the PFLP, expelled from Egypt.
US and Other Countries: Shultz says conditions under which a partial IDF withdrawal takes place would determine whether or not it was a setback; Dutch foreign ministry says its 612-man battalion with UNIFIL cannot do its job under Israeli occupation and will be withdrawn on October 19 if situation remains unchanged.
Military Action:
Syria fires at unmanned Israeli reconnaissance aircraft, shells IDF positions in Bekaa Valley; IDF patrol attacked in Chouf where cease-fire continues; US State Dept. reports steady infiltration of PLO forces into Lebanon, Pentagon estimates overall PLO strength at 12,000-15,000, Syrian forces at 35,000-40,000, IDF at 15,000; other estimates place number of PLO forces returning to Lebanon at 1500 over past 4 days.
1 IDF soldier wounded in Chouf attack.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli officials describe withdrawal agreement as tantamount to peace treaty with Lebanon, predict dramatic improvement in US-Israel relations; Jewish Agency reports immigration for first 4 months of 1983 is 4538, 21% higher than same period last year, Latin America is currently largest source; Israeli settler shot and killed while shopping in Gaza's commercial center, curfew imposed; Ramallah military court sentences 5 men aged 17-22 to prison terms of 11-13 years for premeditated murder of Israeli woman killed by stones thrown at vehicle in January; Jerusalem Day celebrated; Housing Ministry announces plan for contiguous Jewish presence in northeast Jerusalem, connecting French Hill and Neve Ya'acov, using land expropriated in 1980 from Shuafat, Beit Hanina and Anata villages, private contractors to be invited to build luxury villas, other housing units; High Court of Justice permits Jewish prayer demonstration near Moghrabi Gate on Temple Mount.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese officials meet special envoy Habib; President Gemayel meets Jordanian foreign minister, ambassadors of 5 UN Security Council permanent members; Walid Jumblatt says Lebanese Parliament is illegal because it has not held elections for deputies since 1973; Druze leadership demands constitutional reform in Lebanon as condition for agreement with Maronites to end war in Chouf.
Arab Governments: Syria says any Israeli aggression against Syria, even in Lebanon, would mean unlimited war.
US and Other Countries: Soviet Union says US and Israel are trying to partition Lebanon; Shultz, in Paris, asks Soviet Union to use its influence to obtain Syrian withdrawal; House Foreign Affairs Committee votes 18-5 to increase grant portion of US military aid to Israel to $850m, $300m more than administration request, and to increase economic aid request by $ l00m, all grant; CIA and National Security Agency reportedly received warnings a month in advance that an Iranian-backed group planned to bomb the US Embassy in Beirut.
Military Action:
Syria reported to have East German and Cuban military advisers assisting with newly acquired Soviet equipment and upgrading military command and control structure; Haddad declares he has taken control of 25-mile zone of South Lebanon, establishes garrison post in Sidon, says purpose is to help legitimate authorities to restore sovereignty throughout the country; 150 French soldiers added to French MNF contingent, now numbers 2,200; Lebanese Cabinet decree places police at disposal of military commander, gives army right to arrest and try people threatening national security; IDF says it will increase patrols in Sidon in response to requests from Wazzan.
45 thefts of autos from Palestinians in South Lebanon reported by police.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin tells visiting members of European Parliament that their support for Reagan plan is destructive; Begin announces appointment of Moshe Arens to replace Sharon as Defense Minister; Parliament votes 61 to 56, with 1 abstention, to approve Sharon remaining in Cabinet without portfolio; Sharon receives ceremonial farewell with full military honors at Tel Aviv Defense Ministry; Israel reportedly plans to increase air force strength from 19 to 24 combat squadrons, deploying 600 high performance aircraft, by mid-1990s; Kalandia refugee camp and its UNRWA school, al-Amari camp, and the old Nablus market are placed under curfews; bus window smashed near Dheisheh camp, windows of Israeli cars broken in Ramallah; tires burned near Ramallah; one IDF soldier, one civil administrator injured by stones in Ramallah; Bethlehem Mayor Freij says Palestinians have only two months to prevent Israeli takeover of West Bank and Gaza from becoming an established fact.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: 16th session of Palestine National Council opens in Algiers, 360 members from 90 countries present, 180 from West Bank and Gaza absent; PLO Executive Committee reportedly will make following recommendations: Reagan plan is insufficient but not rejected, closer ties with progressive and democratic elements in Egypt, special link with King Hussein, confederation between independent Palestinian state and Jordan, PLO members to participate with Jordanians in any negotiations, endorsement of Arab League resolution at Fez, PNC to decide on question of contacts between PLO leaders and Israelis; Lebanese-Israeli-US negotiators at Khalde end 15th round of talks, announce they are putting into writing points of agreement reached so far.
US and Other Countries: Austrian Chancellor Kreisky says Reagan plan represents a change of attitude but as for solving the concrete questions, he is doubtful; US aerospace companies such as Northrop oppose use of Foreign Military Sales credits by Israel for development of the Lavie fighter, expected to compete in export market with such aircraft as General Dynamics F-16 and Northrop F-20; Defense Secretary Weinberger has talks with outgoing Israeli Ambassador Arens; Habib travels to Israel from Beirut; State Dept. expresses concern over murders of Palestinians in Sidon area.