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  • December 21, 1998

    After unsuccessful last-minute attempt to form unity government with the Labor party, PM Netanyahu removes his opposition to a bill calling for early elections, which passes (81-30), thereby...

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  • December 20, 1998

    The Israeli cabinet votes unanimously (with 1 abstention) to PM Netanyahu's request to suspend Wye implementation until the PA meets his 12 new conditions, setting showdown with the Knesset 12/21...

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  • December 18, 1998

    On the 3d day of its attack on Iraq, the U.S. can confirm that only 18 of its 89 targets have been severely damaged or destroyed, despite having fired more laser-guided missiles in 2 days than...

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  • December 16, 1998

    Immediately upon his return to the U.S., Pres. Clinton convenes his senior advisers to "discuss the UNSCOM report on Iraq"; they unanimously recommend a strike. Clinton orders forces in the Gulf...

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  • November 17, 1998

    Knesset ratifies the Wye agmt. Israeli cabinet postpones mtg. on approval of 1st stage of FRD to 11/19, pending PA moves to collect illegal weapons, clamp down on incitement. To appease Netanyahu...

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  • July 29, 1998

    In a warning to PM Netanyahu, the Knesset passes (60-6, with 1 abstention, 53 coalition mbrs. boycotting) the 1st reading of a bill to dissolve parliament, which if enacted would effectively...

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  • June 24, 1998

    After the PC denies his request to for a 2d postponement of the 6/25 no-confidence vote (see 6/15), Arafat formally accepts the resignations of 18 EA mbrs., which were submitted 8/1/97, giving...

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After unsuccessful last-minute attempt to form unity government with the Labor party, PM Netanyahu removes his opposition to a bill calling for early elections, which passes (81-30), thereby avoiding a Knesset no-confidence vote that he was expected to lose. (MM 12/21; MA 12/21 in WNC 12/22; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 12/22; MA, al-Quds al-Arabi 12/22 in WNC 12/23; CSM 12/23; al-Dustur 12/23 in WNC 12/28; WJW 12/24; MEI 12/25; JP 12/28; MEI 1/15)

In light of Operation Desert Fox, China, France, Russia call for 8-yr. oil embargo on Iraq to be lifted, UNSCOM to be disbanded, UNSCOM head Butler to resign. U.S. warns UN Secy. Gen. Kofi Annan against replacing UNSCOM; says U.S. will compromise on sanctions, disarmament monitoring. (MM 12/21; MA 12/21 in WNC 12/22; MM, WP 12/22)

The Lebanese government restores the right to protest, lifting a 5-yr.-old ban on demonstration imposed in 1993 after anti-Oslo protests led to clashes btwn. the army, Hizballah. (NYT 12/22)

The Israeli cabinet votes unanimously (with 1 abstention) to PM Netanyahu's request to suspend Wye implementation until the PA meets his 12 new conditions, setting showdown with the Knesset 12/21. (WP, WT 12/21; MA, VOA 12/21 in WNC 12/22; NYT 12/22) (see 12/16)

A small bomb explodes at a gate of Jerusalem's Old City, injuring 1 Israeli, who is arrested on suspicion of attempting to harm Palestinians. (WT 12/21)

More than 10,000 Jordanians take part in pro-Iraq demonstrations in Amman. (RJ 12/20 in WNC 12/22)

In s. Lebanon, 2 Hizballah mbrs. are killed by IDF shelling. (RL 12/20 in WNC 12/22)

On the 3d day of its attack on Iraq, the U.S. can confirm that only 18 of its 89 targets have been severely damaged or destroyed, despite having fired more laser-guided missiles in 2 days than during the entire 1991 Gulf War. Only U.S. planes stationed in Kuwait, Oman have flown; Saudi Arabia, Turkey have not permitted their bases to be used as staging grounds. (ATL, ITV 12/18 in WNC 12/22; NYT, WP, WT 12/19; MEI 12/25)

For the 2d day, U.S.-British strikes on Iraq prompt street protests across the Middle East. 15,000 Palestinians demonstrate in Nablus, while 1,000s of others protest in Bethlehem, Gaza City, Hebron, Jinin, Ramallah. PA police break up protest in Gaza City only; the PA closes some television, radio stations, news bureaus for reporting on the demonstrations. Syria's grand mufti denounces the U.S.-led operation. Pro-Iraq demonstrations are held in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Yemen. (MM 12/18; SANA 12/18, al-Ra'i 12/19, JT 12/20 in WNC 12/22; NYT, WT 12/19; MEI 12/25)

Fmr. UNSCOM cheif inspector Scott Ritter claims that UNSCOM head Butler chose sites for inspection that he knew would provoke the Iraqis, then ordered halt to inspections on 12/13 to meet U.S. bombing time table; also says that the White House national security staff helped draft Butler's 12/15 report to ensure it contained sufficiently tough language to justify an attack. Butler denies showing his report to the U.S. in advance of its release, but National Security Adviser (NSA) Sandy Berger admits Butler briefed him personally 12/13. (WT 12/19; WP 12/20; MENA 12/20, al-Akhbar, MA 12/21 in WNC 12/22) (see 12/16)

PA police arrest 4 leading Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) mbrs., 8 journalists at march marking PFLP's 31st anniversary. (NYT, WT 12/19)

Knesset approves additional NIS 20 m. to fund expanding settlements in the West Bank, Golan. (PR 1/1)

Immediately upon his return to the U.S., Pres. Clinton convenes his senior advisers to "discuss the UNSCOM report on Iraq"; they unanimously recommend a strike. Clinton orders forces in the Gulf to attack immediately; 1st sorties reach Iraq around 5 p.m., leaving 2 Iraqis (Iraq says 25) dead, 30 injured. A token force of 18 British planes takes part. House postpones indefinitely its vote on impeachment, set for tomorrow. Operation Desert Fox is expected to conclude in 3-4 days, before the beginning of Ramadan. Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) Chmn. Gen. Henry Shelton says decision was made in 11/98 to attack immediately if the UNSCOM report was negative. However, sources say that the White House informed the JCS 12/13 that a strike would be ordered this wk. Various congressmen say that they were briefed on the plan 3 wks. ago. Arab states are silent. France, Russia condemn the operation. Canada, Japan support it. (RJ 12/16 in WNC 12/17; ITV 12/16, AFP, ATL, JT 12/17 in WNC 12/21; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 12/17; MM, WP 12/18; MEI 12/25; GIU 1/5, 1/6)

PM Netanyahu says that he is prepared to call early elections unless the Knesset ratifies his hard-line policies on Wye implementation as outlined in his 12-point list of demands given to Clinton 12/15. (NYT, WP, WT 12/17; ITV 12/20 in WNC 12/22)

Israeli Finance M Neeman resigns in frustration over PM Netanyahu's political manipulation of the budget process. Netanyahu takes over the finance portfolio himself, giving himself control over budget allocations, which he could use to his political advantage if early elections are called. DM Mordechai is also reportedly threatening to leave over Wye implementation delays. (MM 12/16; MA, YA 12/16 in WNC 12/17; MM, NYT 12/17; NYT 12/19; WP 12/22; MEI 12/25; JP 12/28; Globes [Internet] 1/13 in WNC 1/14)

Peace Now reports that new housing starts in settlements more than doubled in 1998 compared to 1997. In the 1st half of 1998, construction began on 1,420 new units, up 136% fr. the same period last yr. In the 2d half of 1998, 640 units were started, up 121%. (Associated Press [Internet] 12/16)

Knesset ratifies the Wye agmt. Israeli cabinet postpones mtg. on approval of 1st stage of FRD to 11/19, pending PA moves to collect illegal weapons, clamp down on incitement. To appease Netanyahu (see 11/16), Arafat reiterates PA adherence to the peace process. Israeli officials meet with settlers to go over FRD maps. (MM 11/17; MA 11/17 in WNC 11/18; ITV 11/17 in WNC 11/19; MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/18; WJW 11/19; PR 11/20; MEI 11/27)

Head of the Israeli branch of the United Jewish Appeal, Dov Lautman, say that U.S. Jews should spend their money on their own communities, must realize that Israel is no longer a poor country in need of intensive support. (NYT 11/18)

UN weapons inspectors return to Iraq. (CSM 11/18) (see 11/15)

With government permission, Jordanian women's groups, opposition parties stage small rally outside the Iraqi emb. in Amman to express solidarity with Baghdad in the face of U.S. threats of attack. Jordan's Interior Min. says it would ban pro-Iraq demonstrations if the U.S. actually strikes. (JT 11/18 in WNC 11/19) (see 11/15)

In a warning to PM Netanyahu, the Knesset passes (60-6, with 1 abstention, 53 coalition mbrs. boycotting) the 1st reading of a bill to dissolve parliament, which if enacted would effectively topple Netanyahu's government. (MM 7/29; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 7/30; MENA 7/30 in WNC 8/6; MM 7/31)

In Casablanca, the Jerusalem Comm. of the Organization of the Islamic Conference opens 2-day mtg. to address recent Israeli decisions on Jerusalem, esp. 6/21 approval to expand municipal boundaries. On the sidelines, Egyptian FM Musa briefs Syrian FM Shara` on his trip to Paris 6/27-28. (MENA 7/29 in WNC 7/30; MENA 7/29, RE 7/31 in WNC 8/6; al-Wafd 7/31 in WNC 8/10; al-Dustur, RJ 8/1 in WNC 8/7)

In a press interview, Israeli Labor MK Ori Orr makes very derogatory statements against Sephardic Jews, causing uproar, highlighting ethnic tensions among Jews in Israel. (MM 7/30, 7/31)

Speaking before a congressional comm., Asst Secy. of State Indyk says that U.S. will continue efforts to contain Iraq, defines new policy toward Iran as being closer to the EU policy of "open dialogue," effectively ending the U.S. policy of dual containment. (GIU 7/31)

As part of the U.S.'s increasing attempts to destabilize the Iraqi regime, the U.S.-sponsored Radio Free Europe/Liberty announces that it will soon begin broadcasting to Iraq, Iran fr. a secret location in Czechoslovakia. (WP 7/30) (see 7/21)

After the PC denies his request to for a 2d postponement of the 6/25 no-confidence vote (see 6/15), Arafat formally accepts the resignations of 18 EA mbrs., which were submitted 8/1/97, giving himself until 7/9 to form a new cabinet. (PR 6/26; MEI, PR 7/3; MM 7/8; PR 7/17)

In Beirut, Lebanon, Tunisia sign economic cooperation accords, agree to resume (beginning 6/26) flights btwn. their countries, discuss possible Arab summit. (AFP 6/24, RL 6/25 in WNC 6/26)

Knesset Finance Comm. increases construction budget for West Bank settlements by $24.6 m. to cover 400 new housing units, Min. of Education's Torah culture budget by $6.7 m. 2 Labor MKs vote for the measure. (Globes [Internet] 6/24 in WNC 6/25)

Hamas's Shaykh Yasin returns to Gaza after 4-mo. regional tour. Israel had debated about not allowing him to return. (WP, WT 6/25; WJW 7/2) (see 6/22)

UN extends sanctions on Iraq for another 60 days. (WT 6/25) (see 6/22)