On the 3d day of its attack on Iraq, the U.S. can confirm that only 18 of its 89 targets have been severely damaged or destroyed, despite having fired more laser-guided missiles in 2 days than...
December 18, 1998
September 9, 1992
PM Rabin implies Israel is willing to return part of the Golan Heights to Syria, expresses tacit acceptance of "land-for-peace" regarding Golan in speech to Knesset. (NYT 9/10)
April 24, 1991
At joint news conference in Damascus, Sec. Baker says his latest diplomatic mission has failed to bridge major differences between Israel and Syria over how to organize peace conference. Baker...
February 4, 1991
UN Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar condemns allied bombing raids on highway from Baghdad to Jordanian border; calls Jordan "an innocent victim" of war [LAT 2/5].
In 1st policy address to Knesset...
November 16, 1990
In Brussels for international economic meetings, Sec. of State Baker rejects Soviet envoy Yevgeny Primakov's suggestion that solution to Gulf crisis be linked to Palestine question [LAT 11/17]....
October 28, 1990
Saddam Hussein reverses his 10/19 decision to ration fuel and dismisses his oil minister on the grounds that miscalculation by the official led to the announcement that Iraq was facing a gasoline...
October 16, 1990
Sec. Baker says that Saddam had expressed tentative interest in compromise settlement of Gulf crisis, but that Washington considers the termns unacceptable and continues to insist Iraq withdraws...
On the 3d day of its attack on Iraq, the U.S. can confirm that only 18 of its 89 targets have been severely damaged or destroyed, despite having fired more laser-guided missiles in 2 days than during the entire 1991 Gulf War. Only U.S. planes stationed in Kuwait, Oman have flown; Saudi Arabia, Turkey have not permitted their bases to be used as staging grounds. (ATL, ITV 12/18 in WNC 12/22; NYT, WP, WT 12/19; MEI 12/25)
For the 2d day, U.S.-British strikes on Iraq prompt street protests across the Middle East. 15,000 Palestinians demonstrate in Nablus, while 1,000s of others protest in Bethlehem, Gaza City, Hebron, Jinin, Ramallah. PA police break up protest in Gaza City only; the PA closes some television, radio stations, news bureaus for reporting on the demonstrations. Syria's grand mufti denounces the U.S.-led operation. Pro-Iraq demonstrations are held in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Yemen. (MM 12/18; SANA 12/18, al-Ra'i 12/19, JT 12/20 in WNC 12/22; NYT, WT 12/19; MEI 12/25)
Fmr. UNSCOM cheif inspector Scott Ritter claims that UNSCOM head Butler chose sites for inspection that he knew would provoke the Iraqis, then ordered halt to inspections on 12/13 to meet U.S. bombing time table; also says that the White House national security staff helped draft Butler's 12/15 report to ensure it contained sufficiently tough language to justify an attack. Butler denies showing his report to the U.S. in advance of its release, but National Security Adviser (NSA) Sandy Berger admits Butler briefed him personally 12/13. (WT 12/19; WP 12/20; MENA 12/20, al-Akhbar, MA 12/21 in WNC 12/22) (see 12/16)
PA police arrest 4 leading Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) mbrs., 8 journalists at march marking PFLP's 31st anniversary. (NYT, WT 12/19)
Knesset approves additional NIS 20 m. to fund expanding settlements in the West Bank, Golan. (PR 1/1)
PM Rabin implies Israel is willing to return part of the Golan Heights to Syria, expresses tacit acceptance of "land-for-peace" regarding Golan in speech to Knesset. (NYT 9/10)
PFLP, PLF, DFLP (Nayif Hawatima wing), and Palestinian Popular Struggle Front reiterate 9/5 rejection of Palestinian autonomy plan in Damascus. (RMC 9/10 in FBIS 9/10)
Israeli undercover forces open fire on group of Palestinians near Janin, kill masked youth reading nationalist statement over a loudspeaker. (MM 9/9)
Gulf Cooperation Council ends 2-day meeting in Jidda, issues final statement strongly condemning Iranian claim of sovereignty over island of Abu Musa, which is UAE property. Statement also criticizes Iraq, offering tacit support of Western imposed "no-fly zone." The 6 GCC members then meet in Doha, Qatar, with FMs from Egypt and Syria to discuss their March 1991 Damascus Declaration. Egypt is taking the lead in calling for an Arab joint military command and rapid deployment force for the Gulf war coalition members. (MM 9/9; SPA 9/9 in FBIS 9/10)
At joint news conference in Damascus, Sec. Baker says his latest diplomatic mission has failed to bridge major differences between Israel and Syria over how to organize peace conference. Baker sharply criticizes Israel's 4/23 opening of new settlement [NYT, WP, CSM 4/25; DDS 4/24 in FBIS 4/25; MET 5/7].
Iraqi and Kurdish leaders say they have reached broad new agreement that will allow Kurds to return home. Jalal Talabani, leader of one of largest Kurdish groups, says agreement provides for new measure of autonomy for Kurdistan, and guarantees of democracy and pluralism [NYT, WP, LAT, MEM, WT 4/25; CSM 4/26; INA, RMC, AFP 4/24, ADS 4/25 in FBIS 4/25; MET 5/7].
Saudi Arabia says it will accept and shelter all Iraqi refugees in southern Iraq, and will build camp to accommodate as many as 50,000 people [NYT 4/25].
U.S. symbolically hands over American control of part of southern Iraq to UN forces; imminent departure of American troops is raising fears among refugees that UN troops will not defend them from Saddam's army [NYT, WP, LAT 4/25].
Kuwaiti official says new gov't.'s 1st act will be to downgrade relations with Algeria, Yemen, Jordan, and Sudan, which backed Iraq in Gulf war [LAT 4/25].
Knesset members from Labor, Citizens' Right Movement, and Mapam head Israeli delegation that leaves for Spain and international conference: "The Dialogue of Mediterranean Citizens." Palestinians from o.t. and PLO representatives are also attending [MEM 4/24].
U.S. ambassador to Israel William Brown files an official protest with Israeli gov't. about establishment and/or expansion of settlements in West Bank; Housing Min. Sharon says that Israel has no intention of meeting U.S. demands to slow or stop settlement: "... we built in the past, we build now, and we will build in the future" [MEM 4/25].
21-year-old Palestinian is shot dead in Rafah by IDF after he disobeys order to halt [MEM 4/25; FJ 4/29].
UN Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar condemns allied bombing raids on highway from Baghdad to Jordanian border; calls Jordan "an innocent victim" of war [LAT 2/5].
In 1st policy address to Knesset on Gulf war, P.M. Shamir vows that Israel will never take part in an international conference on the Middle East, and denounces PLO as "the biggest supporters of the murderer from Baghdad" [IDF 2/4 in FBIS 2/5; NYT, LAT, WP, MEM, WT 2/5].
EC sends experts to Gulf to help contain oil slick; France's new D.M. Pierre Joxe flies to Saudi Arabia; Soviet Communist party calls on Pres. Gorbachev to launch fresh diplomatic initiative to end war [LAT 2/5].
Pres. Rafsanjani of Iran offers to mediate Gulf war; Iraq has no comment, U.S. response is cool [MEM 2/4; NYT, WP 2/5].
PLO says that it will stop its rocket attacks against Israeli troops in S. Lebanon "security zone," and will use other means to assist Iraq in Gulf war [RFL 2/4, BVL 2/5 in FBIS 2/5; NYT, WP 2/5]
In Brussels for international economic meetings, Sec. of State Baker rejects Soviet envoy Yevgeny Primakov's suggestion that solution to Gulf crisis be linked to Palestine question [LAT 11/17].
Soviet envoy Alexander Belonogov meets in Cairo with Pres. Mubarak to discuss Gulf crisis; Belonogov then leaves for Saudi Arabia [MENA 11/16, CDS 11/17 in FBIS 11/20].
Ultra-Orthodox Agudat Israel party joins P.M. Shamir's ruling coalition; belated agreement increases Likud majority from 62 Knesset seats out of 120, to 66 seats [JDS 11/16 in FBIS 11/16; NYT, LAT 11/17; CSM, MEM 11/19; JPI 11/24; MET 11/27].
Arab and nonaligned nations introduce Sec. Council resolution calling for UN observer force in occupied territories (o.t.) and for conference of 164 signators of Fourth Geneva Convention [LAT 11/17; MEM 11/19].
Iran and Iraq announce agreement on series of steps to end major disputes lingering from 8-year war; Iranian F.M. Velayati says he detects willingness by Iraq to end crisis by withdrawing from Kuwait [NYT 11/17].
700 members of U.S. Council of Jewish Federations pass without dissent resolution backing Bush admin. policy in Gulf, but say they will fight U.S. plans to sell weapons to Saudia Arabia [NYT 11/17].
IDF bars Gaza Strip and West Bank residents from Jerusalem as preventive measure against anticipated protests following prayers on Haram al-Sharif [FJ 11/19].
Israeli Immigration Minister Yitzhak Peretz ignites political row by calling for curbs on Soviet immigration, saying 4 of 10 newcomers are not Jewish [MEM 11/1].
Saddam Hussein reverses his 10/19 decision to ration fuel and dismisses his oil minister on the grounds that miscalculation by the official led to the announcement that Iraq was facing a gasoline shortage [NYT, LAT, WP 10/29].
Knesset endorses Zamir Commission's report on Haram al-Sharif violence, but members are divided on whether any Israeli should be disciplined over the incident [NYT, WP 10/29].
Pres. Gorbachev meets in Paris with Pres. Mitterrand to discuss France's ideas for ending Gulf crisis; Gorbachev says he rejects military solution to crisis [MEM, NYT, LAT 10/29]; Yasir Arafat arrives in Baghdad to meet with Saddam [BVP 10/28 in FBIS 10/29].
Statement signed by 81 'House of Representatives Democrats strongly opposes offensive military move by U.S. against Iraq [LAT 10/29].
Thousands of Palestinians return to work in Israel after 4-day closure is lifted; some re- portedly find they have been fired because of recent attacks on Israelis in response to Haram al-Sharif shootings [LAT, MEM 10/29].
On visit to Saudi Arabia, Soviet For. Trade Minister says Gulf crisis has cost the USSR $10 billion in direct and indirect costs [MEM 10/29].
Sec. Baker says that Saddam had expressed tentative interest in compromise settlement of Gulf crisis, but that Washington considers the termns unacceptable and continues to insist Iraq withdraws completely from Kuwait. Compromise reportedly suggests that Iraq would leave Kuwait, but retain Bubiyan Island and Rumaila oilfield; Baker also urges Israel to cooperate with UN probe of Haram al-Sharif killings [NYT, LAT, WP, WT, MEM 10/17].
Bush admin. is urging UN Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar to send UN investigating team to Jerusalem soon in an effort to stem possible new campaign at UN against Israel [NYT 10/17].
Japanese cabinet approves plan to send troops to Gulf in that country's lst military activity abroad since World War II; plan encounters opposition in parliament where final approval is needed [NYT, WP 10/17].
British For. Sec. Hurd speaks before Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee; reportedly says Britain opposes Palestinian state and is not "enthusiastic" about the PLO as negotiating partner for Israel (cf. 10/17) [JDS, IDF 10/16 in FBIS 10/17].
Six non-Arab Muslim nations - Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Pakistan, and the Maldives - issue statement appealing to Saddam to leave Kuwait [AFP 10/16 in FBIS 10/18].