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  • May 12, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Large student demonstrations inKafr Qasim village continue [FJ 5/17]. International Labor Organization (ILO) issues report on Arab...

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  • February 24, 1987


    Other Countries: Washington Post reports Egypt's Pres. Mubarak and Jordan's King Hussein have canceled plans to visit U.S. because of arms sales to Iran [...

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Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Large student demonstrations inKafr Qasim village continue [FJ 5/17]. International Labor Organization (ILO) issues report on Arab workers in occupied territories [FJ 5/17]. Trial of 3 Palestinians charged with stabbing death of 3 Israelis and membership in Islamic Jihad opens under strict security [FJ 5/17]. Two members of Nablus municipal council resign [FJ 5/17].

Arab World: Egypt's Pres. Mubarak and Jordan's King Hussein meet in Cairo, discuss PNC reconciliation and international peace conference proposal [BG 5/14].

Other Countries: Reports indicate secret agreement between Jordan and Israel includes provision to restrict role of U.S.S.R. in Middle East peace conference [NYT 5/12]. U.S. government refiles charges against 7 Palestinians and 1 Kenyan; 2 are accused of subversion, 6 of visa violations [LAT 5/13].


Other Countries: Washington Post reports Egypt's Pres. Mubarak and Jordan's King Hussein have canceled plans to visit U.S. because of arms sales to Iran [WP 2/24].

Military Action

Arab World: Beirut news sources report Syrian troops, estimated at 7,000, have arrested at least 50 militiamen, shot 12 others since entering the city 2/22 [CSM 2/25]. Syrian forces kill 22 Hizballah fighters, 3Druze in separate incidents. Two "ranking" communists are assassinated in Sidon [LAT 2/25].