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  • May 13, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: After several hours of questioning about Jewish terror against Arabs, police arrest Rabbi Levinger for withholding information. 31-...

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  • April 22, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Arens bows to pressure for military inquiry to determine cause of death of commandos killed by IDF (4/12/84). Labor slate decides to...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: After several hours of questioning about Jewish terror against Arabs, police arrest Rabbi Levinger for withholding information. 31-member ad hoc com. drafts platform for new Arab-Jewish Knesset slate. "Organization of Partisans and Resistance Fighters" asks Interior & Justice ministers to ban pamphlet circulated by "Sons of the Torah," accusing Chaim Weizmann, Moshe Sharett, David Ben-Gurion and others in Jewish underground in Nazi Europe of permitting "Jewish blood to be spilled as oil to lubricate the wheels of the Zionist state." 5 men from Sakhnin go on trial for alleged murder of 15-yr.-old Jewish settler (12/84), all plead not guilty, claiming their confessions extracted by force. Ministerial Economic Com. approves Transport Minister's plan for Negev-Eilat railway.

Military Action:

Arab World: Israeli Army surround Nmariyeh village, S. Lebanon, conducts search, confiscates 20 residents' ID cards, orders them to appear at military compound. IDF patrol comes under light arms fire near Ansar, no injuries reported.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Arens bows to pressure for military inquiry to determine cause of death of commandos killed by IDF (4/12/84). Labor slate decides to accept party's choice of a Druze representative. Arab World: DM Arens says Israel is in contact with Syria through ICRC regarding possible POW exchange. [Israel reportedly holds approx. 3,000 PoWs, incl. 290 Syrians.]

Other Countries: Egypt breaks diplomatic relations with El Salvador and Costa Rica in response to transfer of their embassies to Jerusalem. Bonn's Dep. FM Moellemann calls for new EEC Middle East peace initative.