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  • November 7, 1983

    Military Action:

    Shelling continues in Beirut's southern suburbs; PSP militia and LAF battle at Souq al-Gharb; Marine positions hit with small arms and artillery fire; shells fall near...

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  • June 22, 1982

    Military Action:

    Israeli jets pound PLO, Syrians in big offensive, though truce reported later; Israeli tanks, planes begin large-scale offensive along Damascus highway (involves 200 tanks...

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  • June 13, 1982

    Military Action:

    Lebanese cease-fire shattered as Israeli troops move on Baabda to control Beirut-Damascus highway and close last exit from city; repeated Israeli air strikes against Beirut...

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Military Action:

Shelling continues in Beirut's southern suburbs; PSP militia and LAF battle at Souq al-Gharb; Marine positions hit with small arms and artillery fire; shells fall near Jounieh port, north of Beirut; British MNF patrol fired on in Beirut; US jets buzz Beirut; Baddawi camp comes under rocket and artillery fire as heavy fighting continues, Arafat forces establish positions in Tripoli, shells land in city; head of IDF-backed militia in Nabatiyeh assassinated, fifth attack on militia leaders in two months.


1 civilian killed, unspecified number wounded in shelling in and around Beirut; 1 Marine, 1 LAF soldier wounded; Beirut airport closed to incoming flights; police estimate at least 200 killed, 300 wounded in past 4 days of fighting around Tripoli; oil storage tanks hit again by rocket fire, severe fuel shortage in Beirut, Tripoli; IDF permits limited pedestrian and vehicle traffic across Awali bridges, tension high as thousands of stranded persons wait to cross.

Political Responses:

Israeli/ Occupied Territories: Cabinet approves $2 b. budget cut, new austerity measures, including higher costs for education, health care, economists predict recession, rise in unemployment from current 4%o to 7%o; rallies, strikes, and official expressions of support for Arafat in East Jerusalem, West Bank towns and refugee camps, 1 boy wounded by IDF fire at Dheisheh; IDF announces test mobilization of forces, says it is routine and not meant as threat to Syria.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Resumption of Geneva talks among factional leaders postponed until at least November 20.

Arab Governments: Saudi envoy travels to Damascus to intervene with Assad over Tripoli fighting; Jordan declares support for Arafat; Syrian army, including reservists, mobilized.

Military Action:

Israeli jets pound PLO, Syrians in big offensive, though truce reported later; Israeli tanks, planes begin large-scale offensive along Damascus highway (involves 200 tanks, heavy artillery, rocket launchers); Palestinian camps, residential areas bombarded in first Israeli jet action over Beirut in 9 days; Lebanese government says IDF about to cut high-way in several places as IDF gains 4-5 miles; Syrian tank losses heavy, but Syrian troops restrain responses in effort to contain fighting; "wall-to-wall" Israeli tanks reported south of Beirut; two Israeli troop buses come under fire south of Tyre; Israeli artillery continues through night; IDF closing in on Aley; 50 Syrian tanks move across Syrian border to reinforce units in Lebanon; PLO units return Israeli gunfire from Burj al-Barajneh; general military mobilization in Syria.


Lebanese police estimate 27 killed, 80 wounded in new IDF bombing of Beirut; Israeli demolition teams dynamite buildings in Rashidiyeh refugee camp as all males are rounded up in Tyre; remaining residents of Rashidiyeh without food or medical care as Tyre residents refuse to help them; no walls higher than a few feet left in Rashidiyeh; Israeli officials announce Palestinian refugees are being denied tents because they fear a "temporary" solution will become permanent; 200,000 Palestinian refugees are in southern Lebanon, mainly around Sidon and Tyre.

Mobile bank units offer IDF all services, including facilitating purchase/ sale of securities on Tel Aviv stock market.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel agrees to new cease-fire after Habib request; divisions within Labor Party between doves, hawks sharpen; 150 demonstrate against invasion in front of Knesset and Peace Now sends telegram asking no extension of the war; Labor Alignment opposes all military penetration of Beirut; Begin defends invasion before 36 angry US Senators who question use of cluster bombs; Israel denies ABC use of satellite in Israel because it broadcast interview with Arafat; Begin meets Haig.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: National Salvation Council meets, makes some progress on plani including IDF withdrawal from Beirut, PLO withdrawal into camps, Lebanese Army posted inside city; highway reopening; possible use of French troops being discussed; PLO denounces USSR for only symbolic support; Jumblatt accuses Habib of "hot di-plomacy"; Phalangists state opposition to any Syrian presence in Lebanon and, for first time, allow unarmed non-Lebanese civilians to evacuate Beirut; Lebanese government tells UN and Arab League it will not renew mandate for Syrian troops after July 19.

US and Other Countries: US embassy advises all Americans to move to E. Beirut (ship due in Jounieh to evacuate Americans); UK, West Germany also advise nationals to leave; PM Thatcher rules out use of British troops in Lebanon; Greek Premier meets with PLO's Kaddoumi; Dutch parliament condemns Israeli invasion, 144-6; Norwegian leaders re-ject Israeli invitation to visit Lebanon.

UN: UNIFIL says it will concentrate on helping civilians.

Military Action:

Lebanese cease-fire shattered as Israeli troops move on Baabda to control Beirut-Damascus highway and close last exit from city; repeated Israeli air strikes against Beirut; fierce fighting south of city; Israeli troops advance to within yards of Lebanese presidential palace (no fighting with Lebanese Army reported, as well as no resistance from units guarding Baabda); Palestinian camps and neighborhoods hit for seventh day, as well as Beirut Barbir district (not a Palestinian area, it suffers many casualties); Israel claims hundreds of PLO guerrillas surrender south of Beirut near Khalde; battles go on in Ain el-Hilweh refugee camp outside Sidon; Israeli ship intercepts Lebanese passenger ship leaving Beirut, diverts it to Haifa.

Syrian units hit by Israelis along highway, despite cease-fire; Syrians disappear from Beirut streets, leaving Palestinian units in their place.


Israeli casualties approach 150 dead, 900 wounded; ICRC says 600,000 made home-less by fighting (20 percent of Lebanese population); Lebanese Army sources say 1,500 Beirut residents, mostly civilian, killed so far and that Israeli cluster bombs have been dropped on Palestinian refugee camp (Burj al-Barajneh) near airport, as well as Armenian hospital 16 miles SE of Beirut; hospitals in Christian Beirut refuse to handle casualties among Palestinians or combatants; correspondents report bodies buried 30-deep in mass graves at southern Beirut refugee camp; bodies stacked up decomposing at Barbir hospital (Sharon denies numbers of dead, dislocated); conditions in Beirut deteriorate as garbage rots, water main is broken, raising fears of epidemics.

Political Responses:

Israel/Occupied Territories: Some Israelis feel US troops in Lebanon would restrict Israeli moves, give de facto US recognition to the PLO on a day-to-day basis; Israel announces revenue-raising measures to pay for the war (costs estimated at $600 m. and may fuel inflation); as condition for withdrawal, Israel demands removal of Palestinian and Syrian forces from Lebanon, an internationally su-pervised demilitarized zone to guarantee security of Galilee; Israeli philanthropist Abie Nathan announces plans to take chocolate to Palestinian children as other Israelis offer to help rebuild Lebanon; several hundred Israelis demonstrate against invasion, massacre of civilians.

Palestinians/Lebanese: a 7-member committee is named by Sarkis to handle negotiations with the Israelis; Hasbaya merchants do business in Israeli shekels.

Arab Govemments: Saudi King Khalid dies; Egyptian President Mubarak flies to Saudi Arabia to give condolences; Syrians withdraw from Beirut.

US and Other Countries: Ships sent to Jounieh to evacuate Italians and French; Assistant Secretary of State Elliot Abrams, addressing the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, accuses the PLO of providing arms, training to guerrilla forces in El Salvador, Guatemala, perhaps Honduras.