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  • November 19, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jiftlik farmers refute DM Rabin's claim that demolition (11/11) there done for security reasons. Att. Gen. Zamir recommends Knesset to...

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  • November 15, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: MKs Miari & Peled petition DM Rabin to allow Palestinian delegates under occupation to attend PNC mtg. Central Bureau of Statistics...

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  • November 6, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Mossad ex-director Amit announces private project to launch Israeli communications satellite. DM Rabin tells Knesset Israel has...

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  • October 28, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Cabinet approves DM Rabin's plan for negotiated "political-military" solution & IDF withdrawal from Lebanon. 2nd Natl. Conference of...

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  • October 17, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel govt. publicizes conditions for complete withdrawal from S. Lebanon: Syrian commitment not to advance into area and to prevent...

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  • September 20, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: UN Undersec. Urquhart meets with DM Rabin and Gen. Moshe Levy to discuss possible expanded UNIFIL role in Lebanon.


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  • April 16, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post poll shows support for Labor at 41%, Likud at 28%. In radio interview Yitzhak Rabin outlines plan for complete...

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  • March 7, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Police discover huge cache of weapons, including 107 grenades, 80 loaded magazines, mines, anti-tank bazooka shells and several dozen...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jiftlik farmers refute DM Rabin's claim that demolition (11/11) there done for security reasons. Att. Gen. Zamir recommends Knesset to limit MK Kahane's Knesset privilege of movement throughout country. Transport Min. suspends sea capt. Gilad for 60 days for forcing Kenyan stowaway out to sea in 1982.

Arab World: Lebanese & Israeli delegations hold 3rd round of talks on IDF withdrawal; both sides report discussions had "positive elements."

Other Countries: 2 Israeli delegations begin talks with US officials in Washington on increasing aid to Israel.

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Grenade thrown at army guards at Ramallah municipality, but fails to explode. Israeli troops besiege Balata camp near Nablus as demonstrators raise Palestinian flags; residents repel troops by throwing rocks; curfew imposed.

Arab World: Grenade thrown at IDF patrol at al-Harib, S. Lebanon wounds 1 soldier.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: MKs Miari & Peled petition DM Rabin to allow Palestinian delegates under occupation to attend PNC mtg. Central Bureau of Statistics reports annual inflation rate now 1, 260%. FM Shamir leaves for US to attend Israel Bonds event honoring oilman Armand Hammer.

Arab World: Lebanese & Israeli military delegations resume talks in Naquora; Lebanese propose Lebanese Army control S. Lebanon after IDF pull-out, and demand $8-10 billion in reparations.

Other Countries: 26 Lebanese women representing women's orgs. in Lebanon hold silent vigil at UN in New York, protesting Israeli occupation of their country.

Military Action

Arab World: In Beirut, US embassy guards fire on private Saudi aircraft over ambassador's residence.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Mossad ex-director Amit announces private project to launch Israeli communications satellite. DM Rabin tells Knesset Israel has abandoned idea of achieving political gains with IDF in Lebanon. Foreign Min. announces plan to send relief supplies to hunger-stricken Africa with financing by US Presidential Task Force on Intl. Private Enterprize.

Arab World: Rebel Palestinian guerrilla leader Sabri al-Banna (Abu Nidal) dies of heart attack in Baghdad. Palestine National Fund meets in San'a'. Egypt permits 1st nuclear-powered US Navy ship to pass through Suez Canal.

Other Countries: US Pres. Reagan wins reelection by landslide. Military Action: Lebanese & Palestinian fighters ambush "national guard" leader Mahmoud Tabajah in Ghassab Tadmin, S. Lebanon, killing him & 2 aides for working with IDF.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Cabinet approves DM Rabin's plan for negotiated "political-military" solution & IDF withdrawal from Lebanon. 2nd Natl. Conference of Jewish-Arab Committee Against Racism meets at Nahmani Theater, Tel Aviv. Kahane pelted with tomatoes at speech in Bir al-Sab'a, praising "brave Jews" for rocket attack on Arab bus; Kach and Peace Now followers exchange blows; police intervene, arresting 1 Peace Now & 2 Kach members. MK Miari proposes national service program to counter discrimination against Palestinians for not serving in IDF. MK Peled calls for defense budget cuts & cancellation of Lavi program.

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Arab bus attacked in S. Jerusalem with 66 mm anti-tank rocket; 1 Sa'ir man killed, 10 injured; attackers leave weapon with note identifying selves as "Avengers"; 3 Jews held for questioning. Students stone Israeli jeep from Bethlehem U. campus; troops disperse throng with tear gas, shoot 1 student in leg, continue siege till nightfall.

Arab World: 1 IDF soldier wounded by land mine near Amik, E. Lebanon; another in shoot-out near Lake Karoun.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel govt. publicizes conditions for complete withdrawal from S. Lebanon: Syrian commitment not to advance into area and to prevent guerrilla infiltration into area; continued deployment of SLA in undefined area adjacent to Israel-Lebanon border; and redeployment of UN troops north of SLA from sea coast to Syrian border. DM Rabin rejects Peace Now appeal to ban Gush Emunim Simhat Torah celebration & parade in al-Khalil (Hebron) planned as support for Jewish terror suspects now on trial. Mayors of Bethlehem, Beit Jala, Jericho, Qalqilya, Rafah & Khan Younis, and Hebron's education dep't. and village league heads attend cocktail reception for US Defense Sec. Weinberger given by DM Rabin.

Arab World: Lebanese gov't. announces readiness to talk directly with Israel on IDF pullout (before Israel publicizes its terms same day). In al-Siyasa (Kuwait) interview, Egypt's Pres. Mubarak says he rejects Israeli PM's offer for summit because Israel has not moved toward "comprehensive peace. "

Other Countries: US Defense Sec. Weinberger announces Reagan admin. will grant Israel access to latest US technology for Lavi fighter. American Federation of Ramallah (Palestine) endorses Reagan-Bush reelection. UN General Assembly votes (80-41, 22 abst.) to reject Irani challenge of Israel's credentials.


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: UN Undersec. Urquhart meets with DM Rabin and Gen. Moshe Levy to discuss possible expanded UNIFIL role in Lebanon.

Other Countries: US Senate passes bill HR3398 (96-0) containing provision for a Free Trade Area with Israel. EL AL (London) reveals it has been supplying food to Arab airlines.

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Youths on Ramallah-Nablus road and near Dhahariya village stone Israeli vehicles.

Arab World: After Israeli-led "South Lebanon Army" patrol ambushed nearby, killing 4, IDF troops and SLA forces herd together unarmed Shi'ite male villagers (between ages 15 & 60) and unleash revenge-seeking Druze SLA militia members to kill 13 and wound 27. Suicide truck bombing at US Embassy annex in Aukar (East Beirut) kills 23. IDF expels 4 British journalists from S. Lebanon [as Israel bars journalists without written IDF permission from area].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post poll shows support for Labor at 41%, Likud at 28%. In radio interview Yitzhak Rabin outlines plan for complete IDF withdrawal from Lebanon in 3-6 mos. with UNIFIL replacement. California-based National Semiconductor Inc. establishes $55 million Israeli gov't.- subsidized plant at Migdal Haemek.

Other Countries: As US Congress denies further CIA funds for Nicaraguan "Contras," Honduras-based rebel "Nicaraguan Democratic Force" meets with US intelligence officials to coordinate plans for alternative aid from Israel.


Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Police discover huge cache of weapons, including 107 grenades, 80 loaded magazines, mines, anti-tank bazooka shells and several dozen kilos of explosives in evacuated Palestinian village of Lifta near Jerusalem; suspected to be linked with "TNT" cells. MK Tsaban's motion to establish a committee of inquiry into the invasion of Lebanon defeated in Knesset vote (42-33). PM Shamir accuses Egypt of "tretreating from the Camp David framework, " citing Egypt's failure to return its ambassador to Israel. MK Rabin says PLO operations against Israel were "child's play" compared to Shi'ite "terror" against IDF in S. Lebanon. Chief of Staff Levy tells Foreign Affairs & Defense Com. 2,000 [Palestinian] "terrorists" have returned to Beirut, and IDF withdrawal from S. Lebanon would not guarantee Israel secure borders. 4 American-Israeli youths arrested for last Sunday's attack on Arab bus near Ramallah. 5 Galilee Palestinians arrested on prima facie evidence of membership in religiousnationalist organization that may have set fire to 30 vehicles in recent months. Nablus mayor Shaka'a rejects military authorities' conditions placed on his travel permit to US.

Other Countries: US amb. to OAS Middendorf affirms US and Israel have mutual strategic interests in Central America where a battle is being waged by "atheistic Communism to destroy our 'Judeo-Christian civilization'." "Moral Majority" leader Jerry Falwell reaffirms support for Israel before group at Herzl Institute, NY, stating Israel's best friends in US are "Bible-believing Christians" and US should not have interrupted Israel's "liberation" of Lebanon from Syrian and PLO "slavery." Rev. Jesse Jackson's US presidential campaign staff compile evidence of "hounding" by some Jewish-American organizations.

Military Action:

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 3 Israelis killed and 9 wounded in booby-trapped bomb explosion on bus near Ashdod; Abu Nidal's PDFLP-GC in Damascus claims responsibility; 150 Arab men rounded up as suspects.