PM Netanyahu meets with his security cabinet to discuss upcoming Washington talks; for the 1st time presents Ms with 2 2d FRD maps. (ITV 10/8 in WNC 10/14; NYT 10/10)
In London, Jordan's King Hussein, Israel's PM Netanyahu meet for the first time since Israel's attempted assassination of Hamas political leader Khalid Mishal in Amman 9/25. (MM, WT 11/18; SA, JT...
Russian FM Primakov arrives in Israel for 2-day visit, meets with PM Netanyahu, FM Levy. (IDF Radio, ITAR-TASS [Moscow], QY 10/26, Interfax [Moscow], ITV 10/27, YA 10/28 in WNC 10/29)
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PM Netanyahu meets with his security cabinet to discuss upcoming Washington talks; for the 1st time presents Ms with 2 2d FRD maps. (ITV 10/8 in WNC 10/14; NYT 10/10)
U.S. envoy Ross, Palestinian-Israeli Steering and Monitoring Comm. (PISMC) heads Saeb Erakat and Dani Nave discuss security at Gaza airport. (ITV 10/8 in WNC 10/14)
U.S. Asst. Secy. Indyk phones Syrian FM Shara` fr. Cairo to discuss crisis btwn. Syria, Turkey. Shara` calls on the U.S. to adopt a clear stand, back mediation efforts. Indyk publicly calls on Turkey to exercise self-restraint, then heads to Jordan to brief Crown Prince Hassan on Albright trip. (MENA 10/8 in WNC 10/9; SATN 10/8, RJ 10/9 in WNC 10/14)
In Moscow, Arafat briefs Russian Pres. Boris Yeltsin, PM Yevgeny Primakov, Duma Chmn. Gennady Seleznev on his recent mtgs. with Pres. Clinton, Secy. Albright. (Interfax, ITAR-TASS 10/8 in WNC 10/14)
Iran reports clash with Taliban troops along the border with Afghanistan, marking the 1st significant military incident in their 2-mo.-old standoff. Taliban denies any clash took place. 270,000 Iranian troops are facing 10,000 Taliban troops along the border. (NYT, WP, WT 10/9; MEI 10/16) (see 9/12)
Iranian FM Kharrazi arrives in Syria for talks with senior officials on lowering tensions with Turkey. (IRNA, SANA 10/8 in WNC 10/9; MM 10/9; IRNA, SANA 10/9 in WNC 10/14)
In a ceremony attended by Israeli mayor of Jerusalem Ehud Olmert and 50 mbrs. of the Ateret Cohanim settler group, 3 Jewish settler families move into a home in East Jerusalem. Israel also announces that 150 new housing units will be added to Ma'ale Mikhmas settlement nr. Ramallah. (AFP 10/9 [Internet])
In continuing clashes in Hebron, IDF troops open fire, killing a Palestinian protester, seriously wounding a news photographer, 20 other Palestinian protesters. (MM 10/8; CSM, NYT, PR, WT 10/9; WP 10/10; MEI, PR 10/16; JP 10/29)
Multilateral Refugee Working Group opens 2-day mtg. in Aqaba. (JT 12/4, 12/6 in WNC 12/9)
Netanyahu and ministerial team on FRD created by the cabinet 11/30 hold their 1st mtg., begin discussions on areas to be retained in final settlement. (MM, NYT 12/3; IDF Radio, ITV 12/3 in WNC 12/9; MM 12/4; YA 12/4 in WNC 12/9, 12/17; WT 12/5; PR 12/12)
Russian special envoy Viktor Posuvalyuk arrives in Jordan to discuss the peace process. Posuvalyuk is following up on tour (10/24-30) of FM Yevgeny Primakov (ITAR-TASS, RJ 12/3, JT, RJ 12/4 in WNC 12/9)
Most Israeli banks, hospitals, airports, government agencies, public transportation, telecommunications services, the stock exchange shut down as 700,000 Israeli workers observe general strike called by Histadrut labor federation to protest government labor policies, including controversial pension deal. (MM 12/3)
The group Jews for an Exclusively Jewish State and Rule, which is associated with Kach, sends death threats to 3 Arab MKs. (MA 12/5 in WNC 12/9)
In London, Jordan's King Hussein, Israel's PM Netanyahu meet for the first time since Israel's attempted assassination of Hamas political leader Khalid Mishal in Amman 9/25. (MM, WT 11/18; SA, JT 11/19 in WNC 11/21; al-Dustur, JT, Star 11/20 in WNC 11/25; JP 11/29)
Doha economic summit ends. All participants sign final communiqué, including Israel, which unsuccessfully tried to block section stressing that Oslo negotiations are based on land for peace. 2 major Jordanian, Qatari investment companies sign $25-m. partnership, industrial investment agmt. (MM 11/18; WP, WT 11/19; JT 11/19 in WNC 11/21; SA 11/19 in WNC 11/25; WJW 11/27)
At the end of a 3-wk. evaluation following a sharp rise in casualties in s. Lebanon, top IDF officials unanimously reaffirm decision to stay in s. Lebanon until an agmt. on redeployment is achieved with Lebanon, Syria. (MM 11/19; YA 11/19 in WNC 11/21)
Knesset threatens Israeli banks with prosecution if they persist in refusing to identify owners of dormant Nazi-era accounts holding an estimated total of $57 m. (WT 11/19)
In Bethlehem, a Palestinian boy is shot dead by IDF sniper guarding DM Yitzhak Mordechai on visit to Rachel's Tomb. (MEI 12/5)
IDF demolishes Palestinian home, workshop in al-Ram, n. of Jerusalem. (PR 11/21)
Employing a "dual-track" strategy of military and diplomatic pressure, Russian FM Yevgeny Primakov opens talks in Moscow with Iraqi Dep. PM Tariq `Aziz, while U.S. pres. Bill Clinton sends 12 additional military aircraft to the Gulf, authorizes cmdrs. to deploy 30 more if they deem it necessary. (MM 11/18; CSM, MM, WP, WT 11/19) (see 11/17; ITV 11/19 in WNC 11/21; MEI 11/21)
Russian FM Primakov arrives in Israel for 2-day visit, meets with PM Netanyahu, FM Levy. (IDF Radio, ITAR-TASS [Moscow], QY 10/26, Interfax [Moscow], ITV 10/27, YA 10/28 in WNC 10/29)
PA's Arafat, Egypt's Pres. Mubarak, Yemen's Pres. Ali `Abdallah Salih hold talks on peace process in Cairo. (MENA 10/26, RE 10/27 in WNC 10/29)
YESHA settlers council decides to build a new settlment west of Gush Etzion settlement nr. Bethlehem if Isarael accepts any sort of settlement freeze at the upcoming Washington talks; says general plan for the new settlement was approved in the 1970s by PM Golda Meir, but exact location would be kept secret until the government's stand on settlements is clarified. (MM 10/27; JP 11/8)
PA Preventive Security Force arrests journalist and human rights worker Khalid al-Amayreh following the publication in an Israeli Arab newspaper of his report on the torture of Hamas activists arrested by the PA over the past few mos. (Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group press release 10/27)
Israel commutes to 24 yrs. the life sentence Alan Goodman, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen found guilty of killing 2 Palestinians, wounding 9 at al-Aqsa Mosque on 4/11/82; releases him after he agrees to spend the remaining 8 yrs. of his sentence in the U.S. (WT 10/27; WP 10/30)
IDF shells strike medical center affliated with PFLP-GC in s. Lebanon, killing a nurse. (MM 10/27; RL 10/27 in WNC 10/29)