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  • May 10, 1995

    White House sends warning to 3 Democratic senators (Daniel Inouye, cosponsor of Dole bill, D. Patrick Moynihan, Joseph Lieberman) that moving U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem  would have "a...

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  • August 27, 1990

    Pres. Mubarak meets with U.S. Senate delegation headed by Robert Dole (R-KS) and including Nunn (D-GA), Warner (R-VA), Garn (R-UT), D'Amato (R-NY), Nickles (R- OK), Symms (R-ID), and Mack (R-FL)...

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White House sends warning to 3 Democratic senators (Daniel Inouye, cosponsor of Dole bill, D. Patrick Moynihan, Joseph Lieberman) that moving U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem  would have "a devastating impact on the peace process." (WT 5/15)

Frmr. Secy. of State James Baker calls on Clinton administration to take "more assertive role" in peace process to break impasses, says U.S. should commit now to stationing troops in Golan, opposes moving embassy to Jerusalem. (MM 5/11)

Jerusalem's Waqf authorities say site leased by U.S. as possible embassy location has been Waqf land for 200 yrs. U.S. officials say they doubt documentation supporting claim exists. (NYT 5/11; JP 5/20)

Final vote on NPT is postponed hours before it is to be held because of proposal submitted by Egypt, Algeria, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia, Yemen to single out Israel's undeclared nuclear program for mention. U.S. counters by threatening to call open vote on Egyptian proposal which would surely be defeated. Egypt, U.S. reach agmt. to include general appeal to all nations with undeclared nuclear programs to adhere to NPT. (MM 5/10; NYT, WP, WT 5/11)

Israeli gunboat fires at, detains, searches Lebanese civilian cargo ship of coast of Tyre, s. Lebanon, as naval blockade continues. (RL 5/10 in FBIS 5/10)

IDF soldier is killed by friendly fire during night operation in s. Lebanon. (QY 5/11 in FBIS 5/12)

Pres. Mubarak meets with U.S. Senate delegation headed by Robert Dole (R-KS) and including Nunn (D-GA), Warner (R-VA), Garn (R-UT), D'Amato (R-NY), Nickles (R- OK), Symms (R-ID), and Mack (R-FL)
[MENA 8/28 in FBIS 8/28]; Sen. Nunn calls for more Arab military involvement in Gulf [WP 8/28].

Saddam meets with Arafat at Arafat's residence in Baghdad to discuss Gulf crisis [BADS 8/27 in FBIS 8/28]; PLO reports Arafat and Saddam have agreed on plan to solve Gulf crisis within Arab framework [MET 9/4].

Sources says P.M. Shamir is "concerned" and "astonished" over Washington's refusal as of yet to give Israel $400 million in loan guarantees for housing Soviet immigrants. U.S. wants assurances that no immigrants will be settled beyond the green line [HAM 8/27 in FBIS 8/28].

Jerusalem Post reports Gaza lawyers are informed by Civil Admin. that all prisoners under age 16 will be released from detention centers [JPD 8/28 in FBIS 8/30].

Bush admin. expels 36 of Iraq's 55 embassy staffers in Washington, urges 34 other nations with embassies in Kuwait to take similar steps [LAT, WT, WP 8/28; MEM 8/29; MET 9/11].

State Dep't white paper supports Israeli charges that Libya gave "crucial support" to PLF attempted raid on 5/30, but concludes the operation was directed primarily at Tel Aviv beaches and not at military targets, as Israel had claimed [LAT 8/28].