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  • January 16, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF ambushed in Tyre.


    Some IDF wounded in Tyre; Ansar review committee recommends release of 150, 1,100 cases heard out of 5,400 detainees, review...

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  • November 7, 1982

    Military Action:

    Renewed fighting between Phalange and Druze villagers in Chouf, and spate of kidnappings following battles in and near Aley, raise tensions before release of about 50 from...

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Military Action:

IDF ambushed in Tyre.


Some IDF wounded in Tyre; Ansar review committee recommends release of 150, 1,100 cases heard out of 5,400 detainees, review committee established under the Fourth Geneva Convention on civilians as Israel does not recognize detainees as POWs covered under Third Geneva Convention.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon, Shamir and chief negotiator David Kimche meet for 2 hours with Habib and Draper, discussion focuses on 3 main differences between US and Israel (surveillance stations, UNIFIL, role of Saad Haddad); Commission of Inquiry completes 3?/2 months of investigation covering 49 witnesses, 152 eyewitnesses, 65 hours of testimony, 17,703 pages of transcript, closing with oral arguments of lawyers for 9 senior officials (Sharon, Eitan, Drori, Yaron, Dudai and Mossad head); Begin meets with head of Association for Prevention of Emigration, agrees to consider setting up ministerial committee to combat emigration (now 200,000 Israelis in the US alone); Israeli Foreign Ministry paying $5,000 per month rent on Saudi-owned villa along Beirut-Damascus high-way as Lebanon headquarters; Education Ministry setting up a committee to review curriculum in Arab schools and examine educational, psychological and social causes for growing extremism among Palestinian Israeli youth; Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (Rakah) candidates win election of Arab student committees in Tel Aviv and Haifa universities; army uses tear gas and warning shots to disperse demonstrators in Hebron protesting arrest on Jan. 13 of 50 students, including entire student council, from Islamic University; Cabinet settlement committee votes to set up 2 new settlements in West Bank near Hebron, and 2 across green line in same area, approves referral center for prospective settlers.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Executive Committee, chaired by Arafat, meets in Damascus to plan for PNC; Walid Jumblatt criticizes compromise agenda in talks as concession to Israeli and US terms; Lebanese Forces Commander Fadi Frem urges Government to sign peace treaty with Israel to liberate Lebanon from psychological and political domination of Syria.

Arab Governments: Algerian Foreign Minister Ahmad Taleb Ibrahimi says Alteria purchased $20 million worth of arms direct from USSR for PLO in June, and later sent another 2 planeloads from Algiers; Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries reportedly removing British firms from list of eligible contractors due to dispute over PLO representative in Arab League delegation; Saudi Crown Prince Abdallah in Damascus for talks with Assad.

Military Action:

Renewed fighting between Phalange and Druze villagers in Chouf, and spate of kidnappings following battles in and near Aley, raise tensions before release of about 50 from each side eases situation; Syrian missile fired at IDF positions in Bekaa.


Mother and three sons killed when bomb demolishes house in Muslim area of Haret Hreik; several tents put up in Ain el-Hilweh are found slashed, only 5 families have moved into tents, and children stone UNRWA workers and Border Police patrol; small Cyprus freighter is first ship to enter Tyre harbor since June 6; hundreds of Ansar detainees riot to protest inadequate protection against winter weather, guards fire in air to stop protest; IDF plans to investigate irregularities in issuing permits to Israeli Palestinians to visit Lebanese relatives (some permits sold to Lebanese Palestinians).

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF Beirut commander Amos Yaron tells Commission of Inquiry that he heard of civilian killings T1hursday, talked to Drori, but only knew full extent of killings Monday, that Phalange were allowed to replenish ammunition and rotate troops, contradicting earlier Sharon testimony, that he thought most civilians had fled area, and that Eitan praised Phalange performance in extending their stay in the camps and that they were withdrawn September 18 due to US pressure; 7 IDF soldiers go on trial for assaulting Palestinians on the West Bank; Israeli Cabinet rejects US criticism of settlement policy, pledges to continue policy, Begin asks Arens to formally protest US statements; Labor Party leader Peres urges Begin to move toward negotiations on basis of Reagan plan, but rejects Shunui Party call for end to all settlement activity; 1 Palestinian killed, 4 wounded in attack on Israeli army vehicle in Gaza Strip; Hebron mayor asks for UN intervention to halt destruction of Arab homes and establishment of old Jewish quarter in central Hebron.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Government asks Britain, South Korea, Sweden and the Netherlands to contribute troops to peace-keeping force.

Arab Governments: Egyptian Foreign Minister Hassan Ali says Egypt is trying to arrange a dialogue between the PLO and US and to ensure PLO participation in new peace talks.