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  • July 23, 1995

    PA, Israeli talks resume in `Ayn Jidi nr. Dead Sea--a more remote location than Zichron Ya'acov that will hopefully attract fewer demonstrators. (VOP 7/23 in FBIS 7/24; MM 7/24) (see 7/19)


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  • July 19, 1995

    In Alexandria, Arafat, Pres. Mubarak, FM Peres discuss transfer of authority negotiations; agree to divide accord on 2d stage of DOP into 2 agmts: 1st dealing with points of accord (to precede...

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  • July 16, 1995

    Israel, PA begin intensive, week-long negotiations to finalize West Bank deal by 7/25. In Zichron Ya'acov, 150 Israeli, Palestinian negotiators break into 4 negotiating committees (on redeployment...

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  • July 14, 1995

    In Zichron Ya'acov, n. Israel, Israel, PA meet to set agenda for 1st round of marathon talks aimed at reaching accord on 2d state of self-rule by 7/25. Talks, beginning 7/16, will focus on...

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PA, Israeli talks resume in `Ayn Jidi nr. Dead Sea--a more remote location than Zichron Ya'acov that will hopefully attract fewer demonstrators. (VOP 7/23 in FBIS 7/24; MM 7/24) (see 7/19)

PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Mahmud Abbas arrives in Ramallah to take up permanent residence, says he will not work with the PA. (QY 7/23 in FBIS 7/25)

Frmr. Labor party chmn. Eli Dayan replaces Beilin as dep. FM. (QY 7/23 in FBIS 7/26) (see 7/18)

PA releases 7 of 11 PFLP mbrs. arrested 7/21. (JP, QY 7/23 in FBIS 7/24)

In Alexandria, Arafat, Pres. Mubarak, FM Peres discuss transfer of authority negotiations; agree to divide accord on 2d stage of DOP into 2 agmts: 1st dealing with points of accord (to precede elections), 2d with differences (to be discussed later). (MM, WT 7/19; RE, VOP 7/19 in FBIS 7/19; ITV, MENA, QY, VOP 7/19, JP, QY 7/20 in FBIS 7/20; MM 7/20; HA 7/20 in FBIS 7/21; al-Quds 7/20 in FBIS 7/25; PR 7/28)

One day after PA prohibits coverage of "security issues," Al-Quds cancels series of articles on how Palestinian informers for Israel have infiltrated the PLO, apologizes for running 1st installment. (WT 6/20)

Israel's Moledet party merges with Tehiya to become Moledet, Tenu'at Ne'emney Eretz Yisra'el Yotz'ey Hatehiya [Movement of Eretz Yisra'el Faithful Formerly of Tehiya]. (QY 7/19 in FBIS 7/20)

2,000 settlers hold antigovernment protest outside hotel in Zichron Ya'acov where PA, Israel are holding talks. (HA 7/20 in FBIS 7/21)

Israel, PA begin intensive, week-long negotiations to finalize West Bank deal by 7/25. In Zichron Ya'acov, 150 Israeli, Palestinian negotiators break into 4 negotiating committees (on redeployment and security, water, elections, transfer of authority) to begin drafting self-rule accord. (WT 7/16; QY, VOP 7/16 in FBIS 7/17; CSM, MM, NYT 7/17)

PM Rabin announces that partial control for Jewish religious sites such as Rachel's tomb in Bethlehem, Joseph's tomb in Nablus, the Altar of Joshua on Mount Ebal, the Herodian mountain, the Qumran caves, other archaeological sites in West Bank eventually will be turned over to the PA. PA will have total control of access roads to the sites. (QY 7/16 in FBIS 7/17; MM 7/17; WJW 7/20) (see 7/10)

Israeli cabinet meets to discuss methods of financing redeployment, projected costs. (QY 7/16 in FBIS 7/18)

Russian Dep. FM Posuvalyuk meets with Syrian FM al-Shara` in Damascus, discusses bilateral relations, peace process. (SARR 7/16 in FBIS 7/17; MM 7/17)

Israeli Dep. DM Gur, best known for capturing Temple Mount fr. Jordan during the 1967 war, commits suicide nr. Tel Aviv. He was suffering fr. inoperable cancer. (QY 7/16 in FBIS 7/17; MM, WT 7/17, JP 7/22)

In Zichron Ya'acov, n. Israel, Israel, PA meet to set agenda for 1st round of marathon talks aimed at reaching accord on 2d state of self-rule by 7/25. Talks, beginning 7/16, will focus on security arrangements for Bethlehem, Hebron, Ramallah. (QY 7/13 in FBIS 7/14; MM 7/14; WT 7/16; QY 7/16 in FBIS 7/17)

PA Planning M Shaath, Israeli Police M Shahal hold talks on Palestinian prisoners. Shaath receives several Israeli proposals for numbers of prisoners to be released, timetables but gives no details. (VOP 7/15 in FBIS 7/17; HA 7/14 in FBIS 7/18)