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  • November 30, 1990

    Pres. Bush says he has invited Iraqi F.M. Aziz to Washington and is ready to send Sec. Baker to Baghdad in an attempt to find peaceful solution to Gulf crisis. [NYT, LAT, WP 12/1; CSM 12/3].

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  • November 25, 1990

    Bush admin. says it has enough support to gain approval of UN Sec. Council resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq; U.S. would like UN to set 1 Jan. as deadline for Iraq to leave...

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Pres. Bush says he has invited Iraqi F.M. Aziz to Washington and is ready to send Sec. Baker to Baghdad in an attempt to find peaceful solution to Gulf crisis. [NYT, LAT, WP 12/1; CSM 12/3].

Iraqi Revolutionary Command Council brands 11/29 UN ultimatum illegal and accuses U.S. of buying Sec. Council votes [LAT 12/1; MET 12/11].

PLO statement condemns 11/29 UN resolution; another statement "welcomes the U.S. inclination toward negotiation and dialogue" after Pres. Bush offers to send Sec. Baker to Iraq (cf. 12/1) [AFP, AVP 12/1 in FBIS 12/3; CDS 11/30 in FBIS 12/4].

UNLU call no. 64, "the call of pledge and continuity," asks for international protection for Palestinians and heralds beginning of in- tifada's 4th year [BVP 12/3 in FBIS 12/5].

Iraqi troops deliver fruit, vegetables, and cigarettes to the U.S. embassy in Kuwait, promise American diplomats they would return with more food and medical supplies; Pres. Bush says "this could be a positive sign" [NYT, LAT, WP 12/1].

Former U.S. def. secretaries Harold Brown and Robert McNamara urge Bush admin. to allow time for sanctions to work in Iraq before resorting to military action [NYT 12/3].

Israeli military order renews closure of 4 Palestinian universities in o.t. for additional 3 months [MEM 11/30; FJ 12/3].

UN Sec. Council unanimously approves 6-month renewal, until 31 May 1991, of UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) as buffer between Syrian and Israeli armies in Golan Heights [MEM 12/3].

Official Saudi source says Saudia Arabia has cancelled debts owed to it by Egypt; debts estimated at $4 billion [MEM 12/3].

Jerusalem Report magazine poll taken between 11/19 and 11/29 of 1,200 Israeli Jews finds 42% have become more hawkish toward Palestinians in o.t. in the past 3 years. Only 6% say intifada has brought about more dovish attitude, while 2 out of 3 Israeli Jews say they want to bar Palestinians from working in Israel. (Poll is not published until 12 December) [WT 12/7; MEM 12/13]

Bush admin. says it has enough support to gain approval of UN Sec. Council resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq; U.S. would like UN to set 1 Jan. as deadline for Iraq to leave Kuwait or face military response (cf. 11/26, 11/27, 11/29) [NYT, WT, WP 11/26; CSM 11/27].

Defense Sec. Dick Cheney says that an Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait would not solve Gulf crisis, because it is "only a matter of time" before Saddam acquires ability to threaten world with nuclear and biological weapons [LAT 11/26].

Teen-aged girl runs at Israeli troops in S. Lebanon "security zone," detonates explosive she had strapped to her body, killing herself and wounding 2 soldiers. National Syrian Socialist Party, a Lebanese group, claims responsibility [JDS 11/25 in FBIS 11/26; NYT, MEM 11/26; JPI 12/1; FJ 12/3; MET 12/4].

Man believed to be an Egyptian border policeman crosses into Israel, opens fire on passing vehicles, killing 4 Israelis and injuring more than 24; wounded by security officer, assailant flees back towards border [QUD, RMC, AFP, CDS, JDS 11/25 in FBIS 11/26; NYT, LAT, WT, WIP, CSM, MEM 11/26; JPI 12/1; FJ 12/3; MET 12/4].

As part of several new military appointments, Israel announces that Maj. Gen. Ehud Baraq will become next IDF chief of staff as of 1 April 1991, replacing Lt. Gen. Dan Shomron [IDF 11/25 in FBIS 11/28; JPD 11/30 in FBIS 11/30; MEM 11/26; JPI 12/8; LAT 1/1].