4 / 15324 Results
  • December 23, 1993

    Versailles talks btwn. Israel and PLO adjourn, with both sides reporting progress but no breakthrough. Negotiations to reconvene 12/27 in Cairo. (NYT, WP 12/24)

    AG Janet Reno says no...

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  • November 15, 1993

    Israeli and Palestinian negotiators resume in Cairo talks to implement 9/13 agreement. Talks center on size of IDF force around Gaza settlements, extent of Palestinian authority in Jericho, and...

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  • February 16, 1993

    PLO announces that Palestinians will not participate in negotiations until UNSCR 799 is implemented in full, regardless of Arab states' participation. (MM 2/16)

    FM Peres meets with Def....

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  • April 6, 1991

    Iraq formally accepts U.N. Sec. Council cease-fire resolution; "While declaring that this resolution is unjust, [we] have found there was no other choice than to accept it in order to defeat the...

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Versailles talks btwn. Israel and PLO adjourn, with both sides reporting progress but no breakthrough. Negotiations to reconvene 12/27 in Cairo. (NYT, WP 12/24)

AG Janet Reno says no decision reached on recommendationn case of Jonathan Pollard. WT publishes statements by Pollard indicating he has no remorse for his espionage on behalf of Israel. Meanwhile, Secy. of Defense Les Aspin tells the White House Pollard has tried to pass classified information in 14 letters sent fr. prison. (WT 12/24; NYT 12/28)

Aeroflot flight lands at Jerusalem airport, marking start of international service to city. (WT 12/25)

Israeli officials report that Russian politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky, widely regarded as anti-Semitic, was sent an invitation to immigrate to Israel in 1983. (WP 12/24; NYT 12/28)

Israeli and Palestinian negotiators resume in Cairo talks to implement 9/13 agreement. Talks center on size of IDF force around Gaza settlements, extent of Palestinian authority in Jericho, and control of border crossings. (NYT 11/16)

Multilateral talks Environment Comm. holds session attended by delegates fr. over 40 countries in Cairo. (MENA 11/15 in FBIS 11/16)

Hebron settler kills Palestinian attacking him with hatchet; 2d attacker flees with settler's rifle. PFLP claims responsibility for attack fr. Beirut, names dead Palestinian as Muhammad Badawi Burkan, 26, of Hebron. Settlers riot, burning Palestinian vegetable stands and stoning Palestinian cars. In separate incident, Palestinian badly wounded in attack by Beit El settlers. (MM 11/15)

Hamas issues statement condemning PLO Chmn. Arafat's condemnation of 10/29 killing of settler Haim Mizrachi, calling it evidence of his "disgraceful submissiveness" and of his "readiness to liquidate the cause of our people." (MM 11/15)

Israeli Econ. Min. Shimon Shitreet says scope of support [for DoP] has diminished" due to recent killings of settlers. (CSM 11/16)

Qatar announces establishment of direct phone service to o.t., 1st Gulf state to do so. (MM 11/15)

U.S. Pres. Clinton assures Syrian Pres. al-Asad that U.S. and Israel support continued efforts for Syrian-Israeli agreement. Assurance transmitted in letter given Syrian FM al-Shara' by U.S. coordinator Dennis Ross, which also states Secy. of State Christopher will tour Middle East in early Dec. to pursue Arab-Israeli talks. (NYT, WP 11/16)

U.S. Dept. of Defense offers to sell Israel 20 modified F-15E (F-151) fighter-bombers, valued at $1.8 b. Israeli PM Rabin, after meeting with Secy. of Defense Les Aspin, says offer under consideration. (NYT, WP 11/16)

At meeting with journalists in Washington, Israeli PM Rabin identifies Ilam as major threat to Middle East peace, accuses Iran of supporting Somali militia leader Mohamed Farah Aideed. (WP 11/16)

Lt. Col. Muin Shabaita, 2d in command of Fateh militia in 'Ayn al-Hilwah refugee camp, Sidon, Lebanon, killed by unknown gunmen. Fateh security chief at 'Ayn al-Hilwah, Abi Husayn Farhud, blames FRC ("Abu Nidal" faction) for killing. (NYT, WP 11/16)

Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL) agrees to San Francisco court injunction not to use illegal means to gather information. ADL was found to have access to police files on Arab Americans, among other groups, and was accused in criminal investigation of providing information to South Africa and Israel. Civil suits by targets of ADL investigations remain open. (WP 11/16)

PLO announces that Palestinians will not participate in negotiations until UNSCR 799 is implemented in full, regardless of Arab states' participation. (MM 2/16)

FM Peres meets with Def. Secy. Les Aspin, Secy. of State Christopher, and VP Gore in Washington. (ITV 2/16 in FBIS 2/17)

Speaking in Washington, FM Peres says he sees no reason why Jews cannot "lead normal lives under non-Jewish sovereignty" in addressing permanent arrangements with the Palestinians. (HaAretz 2/17 in FBIS 2/17)

Arab League Council holds emergency meeting in Cairo, issues statement strongly condemning repressive Israeli measures in o.t. (MENA 2/16 in FBIS 2/17)

Israel grants temporary visas to arriving group of 84 Bosnian Muslims. Palestinian Israelis at first welcomed the idea and agreed to settle the refugees in their villages, but now see their arrival as an attempt by Israel to improve its image in the wake of the Palestinian deportations, and have withdrawn their offer. (MM 2/16, 2/17; NYT 2/18)

Hizballah fires rockets at SLA post in southern Lebanon; Israel, SLA shell target villages north of "security zone." (NYT 2/17)

Iraq formally accepts U.N. Sec. Council cease-fire resolution; "While declaring that this resolution is unjust, [we] have found there was no other choice than to accept it in order to defeat the American-Zionist plot," says National Assembly speaker Saadi Mehdi Saleh [NYT, WP 4/7; BADS 4/7 in FBIS 4/8; INA 4/8 in FBIS 4/9; CSM 4/8; MET 4/16].

PLO leadership in Tunis endorses proposed meeting between Sec. Baker and o.t. Palestinians during Baker's upcoming visit to Israel [ADS 4/7 in FBIS 4/8].

Yasir Arafat arrives in Algeria, meets with Pres. Bendjedid to discuss postwar Gulf situation [AGS, APS 4/6 in FBIS 4/8].

Rep. Les Aspin, chrmn. of House Armed Services Committee, meets in Damascus with Pres. Asad. Aspin earlier met with King Hussein and Israeli D.M. Arens [DDS 4/6 in FBIS 4/9].

Israeli troops shoot dead 2 Palestinians in overnight clashes in West Bank [FJ 4/15; MET 4/16].