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  • April 10, 1991

    In Cairo, Sec. Baker meets with Pres. Mubarak; F.M. Abdel Meguid says Egypt is prepared to consider American proposal for Arab-Israeli peace conference sponsored by Washington and Moscow, and...

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In Cairo, Sec. Baker meets with Pres. Mubarak; F.M. Abdel Meguid says Egypt is prepared to consider American proposal for Arab-Israeli peace conference sponsored by Washington and Moscow, and would treat Israel's conditions for such a conference with an open mind [MEM 4/10; NYT, WP, LAT 4/11; MENA 4/10, 4/11 in FBIS 4/11; MET 4/23].

Housing Minister Ariel Sharon says that he intends to continue efforts to accelerate settlements in o.t., despite Sec. Baker's reported criticism of Sharon's policy at 4/9 meetings [NYT 4/11].

Pres. Bush signs emergency appropriations bill into law; it authorizes $650 million for Israel, $200 million for Turkey, and cuts off economic and military, but not humanitarian, aid to Jordan. Provision allows pres. to resume aid if he feels it will facilitate Middle East peace process [NYT 4/11].

Yasir Arafat delivers speech to mark 41st month of intifada outlining PLO's recent diplomatic activity [AVP 4/10 in FBIS 4/11].

Ha'Aretz reports that about 3% of some 223,000 new immigrants to Israel since January 1989 have settled in o.t., most in Jerusalem neighborhoods [HAA 4/11 in FBIS 4/12].

In interview with Paris-based Arabic-language weekly, Khaled al-Hassan, Fateh Central Committee member and PNC committee chair, calls for election of Palestinian provisional gov't. capable of ending PLO's isolation [MEM 4/11].

Israel releases 240 Palestinian prisoners for end of Ramadan; D.M. Arens promises to release more [FJ 4/15; MET 4/23].