After 2 weeks of denials, Israeli officials acknowledge that Shamir's caretaker gov't. was helping fund controversial occupation by Jewish nationalists of Hospice of St. John in Jerusalem's...
April 22, 1990
April 19, 1990
Robert Dole tells his Senate colleagues they made "dangerous" mistake in passing resolution recognizing undivided Jerusalem as capital of Israel [LAT 4/20]; key House Republicans, including...
March 15, 1990
Prime Minister Shamir loses vote of confidence 60-55, ending his Likud-led coalition gov't. He remains interim P.M. until new gov't. is formed [JDS 3/15 in FBIS 3/16; NYT, WP, WT, LAT 3/16].
... -
January 26, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Commercial strike continues in E. Jerusalem. Stores open in Gaza City [WP 1/27]. Shopowners heed call of Unified National Command for...
May 14, 1987
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Foreign Ministry blocks P. M. Shamir's message to Israeli embassies that international conference plan is dead, substitutes message that...
March 26, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: F. M. Peres meets with "moderate" PLO supporters to discuss Palestinian representation at international peace conference [CSM 3/27]....
March 23, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Committee for the Defense of the Land issues statement condemning "escalation of national discrimination" against Arabs in Israel,...
March 3, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian farmers rally in Jericho to protest falling vegetable prices [FJ 3/6]. Planned Jerusalem memorial service for slain Nablus...
February 14, 1987
Arab World: Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine withdraws offer to trade U.S. hostages for 400 Arab prisoners held in Israel [BS 2/15].
February 9, 1987
Arab World: Acknowledging pleas from families, Lebanese groups, and the Indian government and "positive" indications from Israeli government, Islamic Jihad for the...
February 5, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Shamir says releasing Arab prisoners in accord with demands of Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine is "out of the...
After 2 weeks of denials, Israeli officials acknowledge that Shamir's caretaker gov't. was helping fund controversial occupation by Jewish nationalists of Hospice of St. John in Jerusalem's Christian quarter [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 4/23].
Iranian-backed Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine frees American educator Robert Pohill after 39 months in captivity [NYT, WP, WT 4/23]; New York Times reports Iran gave weapons and financial assistance to Islamic Jihad to persuade group to release Pohill [NYT, LAT 4/23]; Pres. Bush tells reporters he does not plan any gestures to respond to release of Pohill, says release of all hostages is "bottom line" for any reciprocal "goodwill" action [WP 4/23].
Israeli officials insist that 4/19, 4/20 air force raids on PFLP-GC and Hizballah bases in Lebanon have no impact on fate of American hostages, and dismiss as rhetoric warning that such attacks could endanger future hostage releases [WP 4/ 23].
PLO officially requests extraordinary Arab summit to discuss Soviet Jewish emigration (cf. 4/24) [TDS 4/23 in FBIS 4/ 24].
Meeting for the 3d time in 15 days, Hakam Balawi and Robert Pelletreau discuss latest developments as part of U.S.-PLO dialogue [WAFA 4/24 in FBIS 4/25].
Robert Dole tells his Senate colleagues they made "dangerous" mistake in passing resolution recognizing undivided Jerusalem as capital of Israel [LAT 4/20]; key House Republicans, including Minority Whip Newt Gingrich, criticize Dole for straying from the party's "unwavering commitment to Israel" [NYT, WT 4/20].
Former nat. sec. advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski endorses notion of cutting foreign aid to Israel and other top recipients, saying "It is simply an absurd situation in which one single country has come to view American aid for itself to be a permanent entitlement" [WT 4/20].
PLO officials, Soviet Jewish organizations, and members of Jewish intelligentsia meet in Moscow to discuss settling of Soviet Jews in O.T. [MTS 4/19 in FBIS 4/23].
Tear gas canister is thrown into Agudat Israel party meeting near Tel Aviv [LAT 4/20; JDS 4/19 in FBIS 4/20; WP 4/23].
Rabbi Avraham Verdiger, 1 of 2 party members who withdrew support for Shimon Peres at vote on 4/11, reverses his position, says he will support Peres in future vote [NYT, LAT, WT 4/20].
Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine stalls release of American hostage, apparently due to U.S. refusal to send high-ranking diplomat to Syria to work out unspecified details [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 4/20].
Arafat arrives in Baghdad on state visit [BVP 4/19 in FBIS 4/20].
Israeli air force bombs PFLP-GC bases in S. Lebanon [jDS 4/19 in FBIS 4/19].
Prime Minister Shamir loses vote of confidence 60-55, ending his Likud-led coalition gov't. He remains interim P.M. until new gov't. is formed [JDS 3/15 in FBIS 3/16; NYT, WP, WT, LAT 3/16].
Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine group threatens to attack airports and airlines to stop emigration of Soviet Jews to Israel [WT 3/16].
By request of USSR, UN Security Council begins discussion of Israel's alleged settling of Soviet Jewish emigrants in O.T. [TASS 3/15].
Decision to move Arab League headquarters from Tunis to Cario is postponed due to opposition from Faruq Qaddumi, chrmn. of current Arab League session [WAT 3/15 in FBIS 3/19].
Fateh Revolutionary Council opens session under leadership of Arafat (cf. 3/ 18) [SVP 3/21 in FBIS 3/23].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Commercial strike continues in E. Jerusalem. Stores open in Gaza City [WP 1/27]. Shopowners heed call of Unified National Command for the Uprising in the Occupied Territories, strike in many W. Bank cities and towns [LAT 1/27]. Trials of Gazans arrested during uprising slow to "standstill" as scores of defendants demand full hearings [FBIS 1/27]. Moshe 'Amirav leaves Herut Movement after being removed from its central com. [FBIS 1/27]. Israeli authorities order al-Fajr's Gaza office closed for 1 year [FJ 1/3 1]. Hebron U. reopens after 1-month military-ordered closure [FJ 1/31].
Arab World: In Beirut, Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine says fate of 4 Beirut University College professors it is holding hostage is linked to Israeli arrests of Palestinians inoccupied territories [WP 1/27].
Other Countries: U.S. State Dept. announces Sec. of State Shultz will meet with al-Fajr editor Hanna Siniora and Gaza attorney Fayiz Abu Rahmah. Egypt's Pres. Husni Mubarak arrives in Washington for 3-day official visit. Elyakim Rubinstein, Israeli cabinet sec., holds talks with Charles Hill, aide to Sec. of State Shultz [NYT 1/27].
Military Action Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops open fire on demonstrators in Gaza Strip's Jenin refugee camp, wounding 1. Curfew on Jabalya is lifted but reimposed after crowds throw Molotov cocktails at Israeli patrol [WP 1/27; FJ 1/31]. In the West Bank, military imposes curfews on village of Qabatiyyah and Jenin camp following violent demonstrations. Curfews imposed on Tulkarm and Bayt 'Ur al-Tahta are lifted; military lifts curfew on Balata, declares camp closed military zone. Sa'ir village remains under siege and nearby village of al-Shuyukh is also blockaded. Israeli troops use rubber bullets to disperse stone-throwing crowd in Jalazun refugee camp, injuring 1; another Jalazun resident is severely beaten. Curfew is imposed on camp. Demonstrations are also reported in al-Birah and Ramallah [FJ 1/31].
Arab World: Israeli warplanes stage mock raids over Sidon, drawing anti-aircraft fire [FBIS 1/27].
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Foreign Ministry blocks P. M. Shamir's message to Israeli embassies that international conference plan is dead, substitutes message that proposal is still alive [NYT 5/15]. Marwan Barghuthi, Birzeit U. student council pres., and Khalil 'Ashur, al-Najah U. student, are expelled to Jordan [FJ 5/17]. Arab local councils inside green line hold 1-day strike to protest budgetary and development inequality [FJ 5/17].
Arab World: Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine releases video of Alann Steen, previously reported near death, stating fate of American hostages held in Beirut is still tied to release of Arab prisoners from Israeli jails [WP 5/15].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: F. M. Peres meets with "moderate" PLO supporters to discuss Palestinian representation at international peace conference [CSM 3/27]. Former U.S. Pres. Carter arrives in Jerusalem, encourages Israeli leaders to join Syria and Lebanon in international peace conference, calls on Reagan administration to increase pace of Middle East peace efforts [BS 3/27]. Israeli border patrol denies 29 black evangelical Christians, mostly Americans, permission to enter W. Bank via Jordan [WP 3/27]. Military authorities order al-Najah U. closed until 4/12 and Bethlehem U. closed until 4/1 [FJ 4/3].
Arab World: Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine reiterates demand for release of 100 Arabs held in Israeli jails [BG 3/27].
Military Action
Arab World: Amal militia attack estimated 500 Palestinian women returning to Burj al-Barajinah refugee camp from protest demanding end to Amal siege of the camp; at least 6 are killed [BG 3/27; FJ 4/3].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Committee for the Defense of the Land issues statement condemning "escalation of national discrimination" against Arabs in Israel, increased land confiscation [FJ 3/27].
Arab World: Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine claims U.S. hostage is ill and may die soon; offers to release him in exchange for 100 Israeli-held Arab prisoners; Israeli official states opposition to proposal [WT 3/24].
Other Countries: Los Angeles Times cites FBI report alleging PFLP is working to build support base in U.S. [LAT 3/23]. U.S. attorneys request court to overturn 2/17 decision that released 8 charged with active PFLP membership on bond [LAT 3/25].
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli bombers destroy Fateh office, cause heavy damage, during second raid near Sidon in 4 days [FJ 3/27].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian farmers rally in Jericho to protest falling vegetable prices [FJ 3/6]. Planned Jerusalem memorial service for slain Nablus mayor Zafir al-Masris banned by Israeli authorities [FJ 3/6]. Officials of Gaza's Union of Carpenters and Construction Workers hold press conference, complain of Israeli harassment since 2/21 elections [FJ 3/6]. Gaza military court sentences 3 teenagers charged with throwing stones and molotov cocktails to between 10 and 14 years in prison [FJ 3/13].
Arab World: Nabih Birri renews offer to swap captured Israeli for 400 Arabs held in Israeli prisons, urges Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine to free 4 professors [LAT 3/4].
Other Countries: U.S. grand jury indicts Israeli Air Force officer Aviem Sella on charges of espionage. Since espionage is not covered by extradition treaties, Sella cannot be extradited to stand trial [NYT 3/4]. Reports indicate Israeli objections have convinced U.S. officials to abandon plan to take $30 million of U.S. grants to Israel and give funds to Jordanian 5-year W. Bank development plan [LAT 3/3].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Troops use tear gas to break up protest at Balatah camp, impose curfew. Demonstration is believed related to 3/2 killing of Nablus youth. Students at Ramallah's Teacher Training College burn tires, clash with Israeli soldiers [FJ 3/6].
Arab World: Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine withdraws offer to trade U.S. hostages for 400 Arab prisoners held in Israel [BS 2/15].
Other Countries: Lebanese Pres. Jumayyil arrives in London after EEC ministers deny his request for financial support [LT 2/15].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli patrols use tear gas, rubber bullets to break up demonstrations in Nablus and Ramallah, arrest 18 students during protest at Hebron University. In Majdal Shams, hundreds of Druze youths gather for rally marking 5th anniversary of imposition of Israeli law on Golan Heights; 13 are arrested following violent clashes with Israeli police, 5 Israeli police injured UP 2/21; SG 2/15].
Arab World: Amal temporarily halts siege of Rashidiyyah refugee camp, south of Tyre, to permit UNRWA food trucks and ambulance to enter camp [CSM 2/17; NYT 2/15].
Arab World: Acknowledging pleas from families, Lebanese groups, and the Indian government and "positive" indications from Israeli government, Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine lets midnight deadline for release of 400 Arabs imprisoned in Israel pass "until further notice" [WP 2/10; MG 2/15].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers break up rally at Balatta refugee camp with tear gas, rubber bullets, and live ammunition, wounding 4; impose curfew on camp. In response, demonstrators gather at alNajah University; Israeli troops injure 7 in attempt to disperse demonstration. University is ordered closed for one month [FJ 2/13]. Israeli army arrests members of 2 Palestinian cells in Tulkarm and Janin on suspicion of involvement in series of recent firebomb attacks [FJ 2/13].
Arab World: Amal officials accuse PLO of responsibility for Beirut car bomb which killed 15, wounded 80. Nearby battles between Palestinian forces and Amal for control of BurJ al-Barajinah and Shatila camps kill 4, wound 12. PLO blames Amal for food, medicine, and water shortages in camps [WP 2/10].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Shamir says releasing Arab prisoners in accord with demands of Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine is "out of the question." Other Israeli officials said SLA may release some of its prisoners [PI 2/6].
Other Countries: Italian officials end year-long investigation of terrorist attack at Rome's' Leonardo Da Vinci airport and request indictment of Sabri al-Banna (Abu Nidal) and 2 other Palestinians [WP, NYT 2/6]. U.S. announces abandonment of plans for meeting on counterterrorism strategy. U.S. also announces reduction in naval force in Mediterranean [WP 2/6].