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  • August 23, 1988


    Other Countries: Acting Sec. of State John C. Whitehead protests Israel's use of deportations, says U.S. can no longer continue to support Israel on the issue at...

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  • August 5, 1988


    Other Countries: Deputy Sec. of State John Whitehead states Hussein's move to distance Jordan from W. Bank means that Palestinians will have to be directly...

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  • October 22, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Likud factions charge Peres at UN deviated from coalition agreement onwhich "national unity" govt. was based last year [WP, LAT 10/23...

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  • October 18, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Foreign Ministry releases 27-page white paper on PLO activity which is to be basis for worldwide "information campaign" aimed at...

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  • August 8, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Lawyers Felicia Langer and Lea Tsemel win High Court injunctions staying deportation of 12 former Palestinian prisoners released in the...

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Other Countries: Acting Sec. of State John C. Whitehead protests Israel's use of deportations, says U.S. can no longer continue to support Israel on the issue at the UN [WP 8/24].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza 2 Palestinians die after being exposed to tear gas. At least 70 are injureduring clashes in the occupied territories [FJ 8/28].


Other Countries: Deputy Sec. of State John Whitehead states Hussein's move to distance Jordan from W. Bank means that Palestinians will have to be directly represented in Middle East peace talks; a State Dept. spokesperson says there is no change in policy-that the W. Bank should be given independence "in association with Jordan" [WP 8/6]. U.S. Appeals Court upholds the closure of PLO office in Washington [WP 8/6].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Ramallah 24- year-old Palestinian dies of wounds suffered 8/5. Israeli soldiers shoot, wound 2 Palestinians on road near Nablus. Demonstrations occur in Beach and Jabalya camps and Ramallah and Hebron. The military extends closure of universities and educational institutions for month [FJ 8/7]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Likud factions charge Peres at UN deviated from coalition agreement onwhich "national unity" govt. was based last year [WP, LAT 10/23].

Arab World: Jordan Times reports Jordan has rejected Peres' call for direct talks and will not make a separate peace with Israel [LAT, CT 10/23].

Other Countries: Reagan admin. welcomes P.M. Peres' proposals to the UN as "statesmanlike, thoughtful and forwardlooking" [NYT 10/23]. 74 Senators, led by Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Sen. John Heinz (R-Pa.), introduce resolution to block proposed arms sale to Jordan until Hussein begins direct negotiations with Israel [WP, LAT 10/23]. U.S. Deputy Asst. Sec. of State John Whitehead, on visit to Tunis to heal diplomatic relations, criticizes Israeli bombing of PLO headquarters there. Whitehead's visit kept secret in the Tunisian press until his departure [NYT, WP 10/23].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Foreign Ministry releases 27-page white paper on PLO activity which is to be basis for worldwide "information campaign" aimed at discrediting PLO as participant in M.E. peace process. Paper states PLO planned or carried out 380 attacks since 11 February Hussein-Arafat agreement was concluded, killing 19 and injuring over 100 [LAT, LT 10/19]. P.M. Shimon Peres states Israel will accept Jordan's proposal for an international conference provided Israel is not required to sit down with nations which do not have diplomatic relations with it [LAT, BG 10/19]. Palestinian political prisoners inJnayd prison end hunger strike begun 10/8 [FJ 11/1].

Other Countries: U.S. Deputy Asst. Sec. of State John C. Whitehead travels to Italy and Egypt in attempt to smooth relations following Achille Lauro affair [WP 10/19]. Senate Republican leaders warn Sec. of State Shultz admin. will face opposition in proposed arms sale to Jordan; White House will at best have to accept conditions on sale to avoid embarrassing defeat [WP, CT 10/19]. Sen. Edward Kennedy announces 43 Democrats and 28 Republicans, three-quarters of the Senate, have agreed to cosponsor measure prohibiting the sale [BG 10/19]. Jewish Press reports U.S. Sec. of Def. Weinberger attempted to talk Pres. Reagan out of the plan to intercept Egyptian plane carrying 4 hijackers [JWP 10/18].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli tour guide is stabbed by 3 unidentified men while showing 3 Danish tourists around ruins near Nablus. Area is curfewed: no arrests are reported [NYT 10/19].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Lawyers Felicia Langer and Lea Tsemel win High Court injunctions staying deportation of 12 former Palestinian prisoners released in the 5/20 prisoner exchange [FJ 8/9]. The Jerusalem Post reports Gush Emunim has decided not to build new settlements but to expand existing ones, starting with Eli, on the Nablus-Ramallah road [JP 8/8]. Peres wams Jordan against continuing to harbor Palestinian fighters [JP 8/9]. P. M. Peres tells U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John Whitehead Israel would like to start direct peace negotiations with Jordan and the Palestinians immediately. Foreign Min. Yitzhak Shamir stresses Irael's objections to any meeting between Murphy and the Palestinian delegates now proposed [JP 8/8]. Israeli authorities arrest Khalil Abu Ziad, bookstore owner from Azzariya, and announce they have issued a deportation order against him [MG 8/9]. Abu Ziad is charged with involvement in "subversive activities" and representing Fateh. Abu Ziad is appealing the order in Israeli court [NYT 8/9]. Israeli army reports arrest of several Palestinians suspected in the gasoline bomb attack on border guard patrol near Nablus [JTA 8/9]. Education Minister directs ministry's religious education division to ignore instruction of 8/7 forbidding social meetings between Israelis and Palestinians [JTA 8/9].

Other Countries: President Reagan signs $25.4 billion foreign aid bill, which provides $3 billion for the next two years to Israel, plus a one-time infusion of $1.5 billion in emergency economic aid. Egypt gets $2.1 billion for the next 2 years, plus $500 million in emergency economic aid [JP 8/9].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gasoline bomb is thrown at army truck on the outskirts of Tulkarm; no injuries or arrests are made [JP 8/9].

Arab World: Israeli jets bomb PFLP-GC base in the Biqa'; no casualty reports given [NYT, JP 8/9].