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  • September 20, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: UN Undersec. Urquhart meets with DM Rabin and Gen. Moshe Levy to discuss possible expanded UNIFIL role in Lebanon.


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Occupied Palestine/lsrael: UN Undersec. Urquhart meets with DM Rabin and Gen. Moshe Levy to discuss possible expanded UNIFIL role in Lebanon.

Other Countries: US Senate passes bill HR3398 (96-0) containing provision for a Free Trade Area with Israel. EL AL (London) reveals it has been supplying food to Arab airlines.

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Youths on Ramallah-Nablus road and near Dhahariya village stone Israeli vehicles.

Arab World: After Israeli-led "South Lebanon Army" patrol ambushed nearby, killing 4, IDF troops and SLA forces herd together unarmed Shi'ite male villagers (between ages 15 & 60) and unleash revenge-seeking Druze SLA militia members to kill 13 and wound 27. Suicide truck bombing at US Embassy annex in Aukar (East Beirut) kills 23. IDF expels 4 British journalists from S. Lebanon [as Israel bars journalists without written IDF permission from area].