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  • November 27, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Reports about Israel's role in U.S. arms sales to Iran implicate senior Israeli officials, including P.M. Shamir, F.M. Peres, Defense...

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  • November 25, 1986


    Other Countries: The New York Times reports that Saudi Arabian arms dealer 'Adnan Khashoggi played important role in financing U.S.-Iran arms deals [NYT...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Reports about Israel's role in U.S. arms sales to Iran implicate senior Israeli officials, including P.M. Shamir, F.M. Peres, Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Director-General of Israeli For. Ministry David Kimche, and Israeli businessmen Al Schwimmer and Ya'akov Nimrodi, both involved in the nation's arms industry [WT 11/27]. Israeli officials state that Kimche and Amiram Nir, Peres' adviser on terrorism, are willing to cooperate in American investigation of the arms deal [LAT 11/28]. Former Armenian Bishop Shahe Ajamyan, accused of attempting to bribe the Jerusalem district commissioner, is released after 21 days in detention [FJ 12/5]. Social Improvement Association is established to protect Jerusalem's Arab residents [FJ 1/2].

Arab World: Saudi Arabian government denies 'Adnan Khashoggi organized U.S. shipment of arms to Iran [PI 11/28].

Other Countries: W. Germany expels 2 Syrian diplomats and 2 military attaches, delays replacing its ambassador to Damascus, but maintains diplomatic ties [WSJ 11/28].

Military Actions

Arab World: Israeli jets attack Palestinian bases near Sidon, killing at least 4 and wounding 3. (The Los Angeles Times reports 11 killed and 20 wounded in the raid.) Palestine National Salvation Front and Amal representatives rportedly have agreed to 9-point plan to end the fighting which has so far left 131 dead and 351 wounded [WP, LT 11/27; LAT 11/28]. PLO fighters in Lebanon reject the agreement [FJ 12/5].


Other Countries: The New York Times reports that Saudi Arabian arms dealer 'Adnan Khashoggi played important role in financing U.S.-Iran arms deals [NYT 11/26]. U.S. customs agents arrest arms dealer Kevin Gilday and charge him and 3 others with attempting to sell military equipmento Libya and Syria [WP 11/26]. U.S. Atty. Gen. Edwin Meese claims Israel acted on its own when it sent arms to Iran in late summer 1985, announces that profits from the arms deals were used to fund the Nicaraguan contras. Israeli government replies that U.S. requested the shipment and that Israel had no knowledge of funds diverted to the contras [LAT 11/26]. Head of Higher Islamic Council requests international protection for Jerusalem's Old City Arab residents [FJ 1/2].