Gunmen fire from car at Amal supporters putting up posters of Imam Musa Sadr in Burj al-Barajneh, Lebanese Army unit sent in, sets up roadblocks, small arms battle begins...
Druze and Phalange militia exchange fire in Chouf; US Marines on full alert and deploy in firing positions as IDF patrol confronts Marines at checkpoint near Lebanese...
Israel fortifies position around Beirut, capturing Lebanese University science campus; uncovers arms caches in Tyre and elsewhere; IDF fails to capture USSR-supplied T-72...
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Military Action:
Gunmen fire from car at Amal supporters putting up posters of Imam Musa Sadr in Burj al-Barajneh, Lebanese Army unit sent in, sets up roadblocks, small arms battle begins between Amal militia and Army, continues through evening; Amal seizes Army APC with 5 soldiers, tries to storm building at Lebanese University south of Beirut; heavy sniper fire in streets of south Beirut suburbs; mortars and rockets hit airport; US Marine position at Hayy al-Sollom, east of airport, comes under RPG and semi-automatic weapons fire for 90 minutes, Marines return fire for first time with M-16s and M-60 machine guns; bomb explodes as IDF patrol passes near Aley.
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin tells Cabinet he intends to resign.
US and Other Countries: Pentagon says Marines in Lebanon returned fire on confirmed targets, decision was consistent with policy giving authority to fire back if directly threatened.
Military Action:
Druze and Phalange militia exchange fire in Chouf; US Marines on full alert and deploy in firing positions as IDF patrol confronts Marines at checkpoint near Lebanese University; IDF armored car backs into barbed wire fence at another Marine checkpoint; US Embassy expresses concern over incidents to Israeli Government.
Political Responses:
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Following week of meetings in Tripoli, Libya, PFLP, DFLP, PFLP-GC, Saiqa and PSF statement rejecting Fez and Reagan plans and any form of recognition or negotiation with the expansionist Zionist entity, adherence to armed struggle to liberate Palestine and all the occupied Arab territories; Lebanese- Israeli-US negotiators, meeting for 51?2 hours at Khalde, discuss ending state of war and security zone, make enough progress to turn issues over to subcommittee of Antoine Fattal, Eli Rubenstein, Christopher Ross, and form another subcommittee to deal with timetable for withdrawal of troops.
Arab Governments: Egyptian President Mubarak says Arabs must act on Reagan plan by end of year, PLO Chairman should recognize Israel, unilaterally if necessary; Syrian Foreign Minister Khaddam tours Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE and Qatar; King Hussein returns to Jordan from talks with King Fahd in Saudi Arabia.
US and Other Countries: Habib and Draper will divide responsibilities to accelerate the peace process; State Department refuses to qualify last week's statement suggesting possibility of shortening the autonomy period; US says USSR has sent 90 aircraft, mostly MiG-21s, and 12 SA-5 missiles to Syria, which would be particularly effective against E2-C Hawkeye surveillance aircraft used by Israel in Lebanon war; 2 US soldiers in multinational force in Sinai wounded in mine explosion near Ofira; former Presidents Carter and Ford, in joint article, say that Israeli occupation of West Bank and Gaza is a major obstacle to any moderate Arab initiative for peace in the Middle East, and urge King Hussein to join autonomy talks; West German Foreign Minister Genscher attacks Israeli settlement policy, does not recognize the PLO or support an independent Palestinian state, but supports the June 1980 Venice Declaration that the PLO be involved in the peace process.
Military Action:
Israel fortifies position around Beirut, capturing Lebanese University science campus; uncovers arms caches in Tyre and elsewhere; IDF fails to capture USSR-supplied T-72 tanks but claims huge numbers of fighters taken; IDF claims Phalangist forces took university (denied by Gemayel); Phalangist artillery used to pound Burj al-Barajneh Pales-tinian camp. Port access to Beirut cut for 8 days, roads for 5, air access cut. Arafat tours PLO military positions in Beirut; PLO opens 12 new medical facilities in last 10 days, with 2,000 beds, to deal with casualties.
80 bodies uncovered under Sidon building hit by Israeli shelling; 400 Sidon residents reported killed; Lebanese sources estimate over 25,000 casualties and 250,000 displaced persons (1 of 16 living in Lebanon); Israeli government claims only 70,000 home-less in Lebanon as result of fighting; IDF administrator in Sidon says IDF plans to bury bodies in pits where they lay; ICRC negotiates with IDF to fly 2 planes from Cyprus to Beirut; most Beirut businesses closed. 30-vehicle relief convoy leaves Israel for southern Lebanon for 2-week stay; Israeli banks set up mobile units inside Lebanon for Israeli soldiers (will also service local Lebanese); Israeli Trade Minister Patt says Lebanese merchants wishing to buy Israeli goods may place orders through military commanders (to be filled in 24 hours); Israel claims 6,000 guerrillas captured, 60 Syrians.
Political Responses:
Israel/Occupied Territories: Begin, in New York, tells Israeli Cabinet to disregard US pressures in setting war policy; Shimon Peres claims military actions lacked necessary Cabinet approval, calls for meeting of foreign affairs committee; Israeli Cabinet reportedly orders Sharon not to enter Beirut; Israeli government claims possession of documents showing PLO hosting of groups "such as" the Japanese Red Army, Italian Red Brigade, and German Baader-Meinhoff Gang; public criticism surfaces on conduct of war and casualty levels.
Palestinians/Lebanese: PLO's Hani Hassan urges direct US-PLO talks; former Lebanese Premier Salam meets Habib to convey PLO views on fighting; Phalangists deny cooperating with Israelis during fighting; some Lebanese Christians reported cooling toward Israeli presence.
Arab Governments: Saudis urge US pressure to force Israelis to withdraw, suggest arms embargo to Vice-President Bush, Senator Percy, Defense Secretary Weinberger (in Saudi Arabia for funeral of late Saudi King).
US and Other Countries: Reagan delays sending Congress formal notice of long-planned sale of 75 F-16s to Israel; Israeli reassurance that IDF would not enter Beirut reportedly ensures Begin meeting with Reagan; US rejects PLO request for direct talks; UK Prime Minister Thatcher says PLO office can stay in UK; USSR reportedly replenishing Syrian supplies.