Wednesday, October 27, 1982

Military Action:

IDF starts destroying PLO tunnels used to cache arms in South Lebanon; 3 Irish UNIFIL soldiers killed in South Lebanon.


UNRWA again fails to erect tents at Ain el-Hilweh as refugees resist; UNRWA asks IDF to protect its staff; Lebanese Ministry of Education again postpones opening of schools as many Palestinian and Lebanese refugees still housed in school buildings with nowhere else to go; Israeli officials say Palestinians in South Lebanon can be treated in Israel, but Lebanese will have to go to Beirut except for dialysis treatment.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Chief of Israel's General Security Services testifies secretly before Commission of Inquiry; Knesset moves to abolish film and theater censorship in wake of uproar caused by attempt to ban satirical play; West Bank disturbances grow following yesterday's fatal shooting-Ramallah students leave 4 high schools, stone Israeli vehicles, youth from Deheisha refugee camp stone Israeli vehicles, wounding one Israeli; El Al workers close Ben Gurion in labor dispute; Begin says Gemayel has not completely ruled out peace pact with Israel despite recent negative comments on client state, also reasserts Israeli desire for security zone in southern Lebanon, integration of Haddad forces into Lebanese security forces; IDF officer asserts Egyptian army in Sinai poses military threat to Israel; former Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Meron Benvenisti, at American Enterprise Institute in Washington DC, estimates 50-60 percent of West Bank is already in Jewish hands or available for Jewish settlement under various laws, and says territorial concessions for peace settlement will be impossible after 36 months.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat reportedly ready to accept a future Palestinian-Jordanian federation following establishment of an independent Palestinian state; Lebanese officials say US premature in reporting Lebanon had agreed to direct diplomatic talks with Israel, Wazzan reaffirms Lebanese desire for IDF troop withdrawal, says Lebanon may add civilians to joint Israeli-Lebanese military committee.

Arab Governments: Egyptian government-controlled press attacks Israel as "fascist" after Sharon's testimony in Jerusalem.

US and Other Countries: US, planning to re build Lebanese armed forces, will send artillery, 75 APCs, 25 155-mm howitzers, communications gear, M60 tanks and will station US Military Advisor Group in Beirut to coordinate rearmament effort; US- Lebanese planning group being established to assess Lebanese military needs and plan procurement well into future; Marine Corps planners assessing requirments for enlarging Marine presence in Lebanon to 5-8,000; US examining whether US law violated when UN-run trade school used for military training by PLO, holds up $15 million UN contribution; Zaire resumes full military cooperation with Israel and welcomes Israeli military delegation.