Friday, September 13, 1985


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Center of Dheisheh refugee camp, near Bethlehem, placed under siege for 3 hours [FJ 9/20]. Establishment of the Voice of America transmitter inIsrael will bring in at least $150 million in revenues, Davar reports [JWP 9/13]. Jewish Press reports secular and religious Jews have formed an international committee to mobilize resistance to construction of an extension of the Mormon Brigham Young University on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem [JWP 9/13].

Other Countries: U.S. vetoes a resolution in the UN Security Council which would have condemned "the repressive measures taken by Israel since 4 August 1985 against the civilian Palestinian population in the Israeli-occupied territories." The vote was 10 in favor, 1 opposed (the U.S.), and 4 abstentions (Australia, Denmark, France, and Britain) [JP 9/15]. New York Assembly man Dov Hikind holds a rally outside PLO offices in New York calling for the removal of the PLO from that city. Rally is sponsored by Americans for a Safe Israel [JWP 9/13].