Friday, May 23, 1986


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Report on Gaza Strip, compiled by Meron Benvenisti's West Bank Date Base Project, is published, says "the situation is hopeless," calls territory "atime bomb" [LT 5/24].

Arab World: The New York Times reports President Mubarak and King Hussein met recently to discuss Egyptian-backed Palestinian self-rule in Gaza. Deposed Gaza Mayor Rashad al-Shawwa suggested idea, which would involve Egyptian consular services in East Jerusalem, Egyptian bank in Gaza, and legislative council [NYT 5/23]. Yasir Arafat declares to al-Bayan (Dubai) that PLO has decided to end its military presence in Tunisia.

Military Action

Arab World: New combat breaks out around Burj al-Barajinah, Sabra, and Shatila camps between Amal and Palestinians [OJ 5/24].