Saturday, October 10, 1987


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gaza City shops observe 1-day strike [WP 10/11]. Yigdal Shahaf is shot in head, seriously wounded by unknown assailant near Damascus Gate [WP 10/11; MET 10/24]. Caller allegedly from Force 17 later claims responsibility, charges Shahaf was Mossad agent [FJ 10/18]. Arab World: In speech to Jordanian Parliament, King Hussein blames Likud for dimmed prospects for peace conference, announces postponement of elections for lower house of Parliament for at least 2 years [WP 10/11]. PLO Executive Com. Chairman Yasir Arafat holds talks with Arab League Sec. Gen. Chedli Klibi in Tunis [FBIS 10/13].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In 3d consecutive day of violence in Gaza Strip, Israeli troops use live ammunition to disperse stonethrowing demonstrators at Gaza's Islamic University, injuring at least 3 students. In separate Gaza City incident, at least 8 Palestinians are wounded by Israeli troops firing live ammunition and tear gas at stone-throwing demonstrators [WP 10/11; FBIS 10/13].

Arab World: Hospitals near Sidon report 7 are killed, 10 wounded in daylong battles between Amal and Palestinian forces around 'Ayn al-Hilwah [WP 10/12]. IDF fighter planes strike PFLP target in Biqa' Valley [NYT 10/11; FBIS 10/13]. Lebanese fighters claim to down IDF helicopter during Biqa' raid; IDF denies allegation [FBIS 10/13].