Occupied Palestine/Israel: The director of the U.S. SDI program announces that Israel has been awarded over $165 million in SDI contracts, more than any foreign country [WP 10/25].
Arab World: The PLO reiterates statements by Chairman Arafat that Israeli Arabs and Jews should vote for "forces that represent the real peace choice" [NYT 10/ 25].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Reuters reports the existence of Israeli undercover "death squads" on W. Bank and Gaza Strip; military spokesman denies that Israel assassinates wanted men [WT 10/24]. In Far'ah refugee camp soldiers shoot, kill 17-yearold Palestinian [NYT 10/25, FJ 10/30]. In Nablus 3 Palestinians are shot, injured by Israeli soldiers. In Nusayrat camp 4 Palestinians are injured during clashes with troops. At Beach camp soldiers shoot, injure 2 Palestinians [FJ 10/30].
Arab World: Israeli warplanes strike Syrian Social Nationalist Party base in south Lebanon. One person is wounded [NYT, WP 10/25]. In south Lebanon Israeli troops capture 7 Palestinian guerrillas trying to cross the Lebanese-Israeli border [WP 10/ 25].