Sunday, March 12, 1989


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Paestinians in Galilee send trucks of food, medicine to Palestinians in O.T. [FBIS 3/14]. Border police units will be gradually replacing IDF units orf W. Bank. Attorneys working in O.T. end 2/2 month strike [FBIS 3/13].

Arab World: Nabil Shaath, chairman of PLO political committee, calls Bush proposal "way too little, too late," but said PLO leadership would study proposal [WP 3/13]. PLO chairman Arafat states willingness to go to Jerusalem to convince Israelis of need for international conference; visit is predicated on approval of Arab states [FBIS 3/13].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian from 'Ayda camp dies from wounds received 3/11 [FBIS 3/14, FJ 3/20]. Israeli troops shoot, wound Palestinian who stabbed a soldier in Bethlehem [NYT 3/13, FJ 3/20]. At least 5 Palestinians are injured in W. Bank; 8 Palestinians in Gaza [FJ 3/20].

Arab World: Israeli troopshoot, kill 2 PFLP-GC guerrillas in the Israeli-imposed security zone in S. Lebanon [NYT 3/13].