Tuesday, November 7, 1989


Other Countries: UN Security Council resolution calling on Israel to "lift its siege" in O.T. is vetoed by U.S. The 14 other members of the Security Council voted for the resolution [NYT 11/8].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army reports it has arrested Hamas members from Gaza Strip in connection with killing an Israeli soldier and kidnapping another [WP 11/8]. Israeli police commander recommends that six Israeli Arab police officers be tried for fatally shooting an 18-year-old W. Bank Palestinian at close range two weeks ago, then reporting that he was shot when he ran a roadblock [NYT 11/8]. 13-year-old Qalqiliyyah resident is shot, killed, 29 others are wounded, and 10 are detained in clash with border police; curfew is imposed on Qalqiliyyah; 28-year-old Palestinian in Nablus accused of collaboration is killed, another is wounded [FBIS 11/9].

Arab World: Israeli Air Force planes bomb Hizballah bases in South Lebanon; a Katyusha rocket is launched from Lebanon into the "security zone," no one is injured [FBIS 11/7].