Sunday, December 2, 1990

Israeli is killed, at least 3 others wounded when 3 Arabs stab Israeli passengers on bus in Ramat Gan [NYT, LAT, WT, WP 12/3; IDF, JDS 12/2 in FBIS 12/3; JPI 12/8; MET 12/11].

Israel's national trade union, Histadrut, all but shuts down the country with general strike protesting gov't.'s plan to increase taxes to pay for settling Soviet Jewish immigrants [NYT, LAT, CSM 12/3; JPI 12/8; MET 12/11].

UNLU leaflet no. 65 calls for making the 4th year of intifada a year of Palestinian self-reliance [HAA 12/3 in FBIS 12/4; AVP 12/3 in FBIS 12/5; MEM 12/3].

U.S. Marines begin 4-day amphibious exercise in Gulf [LAT 12/3].

Egyptian minister of state for foreign affairs, Boutros Ghali tells reporters that as soon as Gulf crisis is over, Egypt will seek to mobilize international pressure on Israel for complete withdrawal from W. Bank, Gaza, and Golan [MEM 12/3].