Jordan's King Hussein, noting U.S. abstention on 2/16 UN resolution against settlement, expresses concern that U.S. is reducing opposition to Israeli settlements in O.T. [WP 2/18; ADS 2/18 in FBIS 2/ 20].
Arab gov'ts. are reported divided over King Hussein's call for a summit meeting to discuss Soviet Jewish emigration to Israel; senior diplomats call summit premature and potentially harmful to Middle East peace process [NYT 2/18].
Yasir Arafat tells Peggy Say, sister of U.S. hostage Terry Anderson, he is doing his "very best" to win the release of American hostages in Lebanon [WP 2/18; LAT 2/19].
Jordan and Iraq are rumored to have formed ajoint air squadron; seen as costcutting measure for Jordanian air force (cf. 2/18, 2/19) [RMC 2/17 in FBIS 2/ 20].