Sunday, February 18, 1990

Some 8,000 Soviet Jews have emigrated to Israel during first 6 weeks of 1990, compared to 12,800 for all 1989 [JDS 2/18 in FBIS 2/21].

Dozens of recently emigrated Soviet Jews in Jerusalem protest living conditions, complain of leaking ceilings and nonfunctioning heating systems [LAT 2/ 19; CDS 2/18 in FBIS 2/20].

Ariel Sharon resigns as Industry and Trade Minister, vows to run for P.M., calls elections plan "a mistake" that "will bring more tension, more bloodshed and even a war" [NYT, WP, LAT 2/19; IDF 2/18 in FBIS 2/20].

In separate interviews, Chief of Staff Dan Shomron and D.M. Yitzhak Rabin say Israel is not concerned about joint Jordanian-Iraqi ar squadron (cf. 2/ 19) [JDS 2/18 in FBIS 2/20].

D.M. Rabin says U.S. has conceded, though not openly, that U.S.-PLO dialogue has been a failure: "The Americans failed and learned with whom it is possible to deal" [JPD 2/19 in FBIS 2/20].