Special meeting of Palestinians from o.t., the U.S., and PLO Exec. Comm. begins deliberations in London to decide what assurances U.S. should give Palestinians as condition for Palestinian participation in peace conference. Meeting was directed by Chmn. Arafat. Among those attending were Faisal Husseini, Hanan Ashrawi, Zakariya al-Agha (who have been meeting with Secy. of State Baker), Basil 'Aql, Edward W. Said, Ibrahim Abu-Lughod, Walid Khalidi, Musa Mazzawi, Zuhayra Kamal, and three PLO officials. (al-Quds al- Arabi [London], 8/19 in FBIS 8/23; MEM 8/19; al-Hayat [London] 9/4 in FBIS 9/9)
Turkish prime min. Turgut Ozal sends letter to U.S. Pres. Bush indicating that Syria strongly objects to a private U.S. foundation's plans to invite Israel to participate in conference on regional water issues to be held in November in Turkey, will boycott meeting along with other Arab states. U.S. indicates exclusion of Israel may result in U.S. boycott. (WP 8/29)