New York Times reports that Bush admin. began planning offensive campaign to remove Iraq from Kuwait as early as September 1990, despite public insistence that U.S. troops were to defend Saudi Arabia and enforce UN sanctions [NYT 3/3].
Allied officials and Iraqi refugees report chaos and near anarchy in Basra as Iraqi troops leaving Kuwait arrive [NYT, WP 3/3].
American officer reports that dozens of Iraqi tanks, perhaps lost and without communications, attacked U.S. troops in worse violation of cease-fire. American forces repel attack, destroying about 60 vehicles and capturing about 80 tanks and personnel carriers; there are no American casualties [NYT, WP 3/3].
Senior U.S. admin. officials say Washington wants to maintain much larger military presence in Gulf region than it had before Iraq invaded Kuwait in order to deter aggression against U.S. allies [NYT 3/3].
UN Sec. Council adopts, by 11-1 vote, resolution 686 which reaffirms, in more detail, cease-fire conditions imposed on Iraq (cf. 3/3) [WP, MEM 3/4].
PLO leadership meets in Tunis, calls for urgent" measures to halt attacks and arrests of Palestinians in Kuwait [TDS, AFP 3/3 in FBIS 3/4; AVP 3/3 in FBIS 3/5].
Lebanon's Pres. Hrawi warns in speech that Palestinian guerrillas will no longer be allowed to attack Israel from Lebanon: we will not tolerate the use of Katyusha rockets to provoke an invasion of this country. The liberation of Palestine cannot be fulfilled by the firing of Katyusha rockets" [NYT 3/4; MEM 3/5].