Thursday, March 21, 1991

UN survey of civilian damage caused by allied bombardment of Iraq calls the results "near apocalyptic," and recommends an immediate end to embargo on food and other essential supplies [NYT 3/22].

Bush admin., moving to counter impression that it had scapegoated Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie on Kuwait invasion, says it knew Iraqi transcript of Glaspie-Saddam meeting was inaccurate but did not wish to divert attention from coalition by correcting the record [NYT, WT 3/22].

U.S. military says thousands of Iraqi civilians have poured into villages and communities in Iraqi territory controlled by allied forces; many are refugees from civil unrest gripping much of Iraq [NYT 3/22]; heavy fighting occurs in northern Iraq [WP 3/22].

Speaker of the House Thomas Foley (D-Wash.) says he supports Pres. Bush's opposition to measure passed by Senate that cuts off aid to Jordan. White House threatens to veto bill unless aid provision is removed [NYT 3/22].

Palestinian paramedics says Palestinian and Iraqi torture victims are being kept in secret hospital wards accessible only to Kuwaiti doctors, and that at least 2 casualties were beaten while still in hospital's emergency room [WP 3/22].

In report to Congress, State Dep't. says Soviet Jewish emigrants are settling in o.t. at higher rate than Israeli gov't. claims; report adds Jewish population in o.t. is growing by as much as 10% annually [WP, WT 3/22].

Speaking on NBC television, King Hussein says that Jordan would not agree to substitute for PLO in any negotiations, but if PLO asked him to be part of joint delegation, he would consider doing so [MEM 4/3].