Israeli state attorney recommends that Israel take no action against Hanan Ashrawi for her alleged contacts with PLO officials, as had been recommended by Israeli police. Israeli attorney general must now decide Ashrawi's fate. (MM 11/19)
Jerusalem chief of police apologizes for 11/18 raid on Islamic court offices in E. Jerusalem (but does not return documents) as some 100 Palestinians, including members of the Islamic Higher Council, demonstrate against the raid in E. Jerusalem. Merchants in Hebron joined with those in the old city in strike to protest the raid. (MM 11/19)
E. Jerusalem, Hebron merchants strike ends. Nablus merchants strike 11/18 death of imam shot by IDF. (MM 11/19)
Labor party opens national convention in Jerusalem, struggles to develop a new election program to attract voters. (MM 11/19, 11/20)
European Commission announces EC will donate $61 million in aid to Palestinians in o.t. to help overcome economic effects of Gulf war. Grant is first expenditure from a $280- million assistance package established by EC in March 1991. (MM 11/19)
PM Shamir declares Israel will not release more Lebanese prisoners until it receives its missing servicemen. FM Levy calls on UN, Western countries to avoid "discrimination" during prisoner-hostage release negotiations, a reference to increased Israeli concern that such talks are focusing solely on Western hostages and ignoring Israeli demands for information on its servicemen missing in Lebanon. Israeli negotiator Uri Lubrani travels to New York for talks with UN Secy. Gen. Perez de Cuellar to push for progress on releasing airman Ron Arad, only Israeli hostage believed to be alive. Reversing earlier UN policy seeking a multilateral release, Perez de Cuellar states that he now accepts separating question of Western hostages from that of Israeli captives. (Qol Yisra'el 11/19 in FBIS 11/19; WP 11/21)
Lebanese Pres. al-Hirawi states that as long as Israel refuses to implement UN Sec. Council Resolution 425, calling for Israeli withdrawal from S. Lebanon, he cannot stop attacks by anti-Israeli resistance forces. (MM 11/19)