Sunday, October 6, 1991

Israeli court sentences peace activist Abie Nathan to 18 months imprisonment for meeting with Chmn. Arafat in Tunis in July. A 1986 Israeli law bars Israelis from meeting with the PLO. (NYT 10/7)

As Palestinian negotiators Faisal Husseini and Hanan Ashrawi return to Israel from Europe, they are told they must face police questioning about whether or not they met with PLO officials in Algiers while abroad. The two reportedly attended the PNC. (NYT 10/7; WP 10/11)

PLO, Jordanian negotiators meeting in Amman reach agreement on formation of joint delegation to peace conference, but do not reach stage of naming delegates. (MEM 10/7; al-Dustur 10/7 in FBIS 10/9)

Israeli undercover forces kill Khalid Hasan Rayyan, a wanted activist, in Balata refugee camp. (MEM 10/7)

For first time in several years, long-range Israeli artillery fires on S. Lebanese city of Tyre in response to rockets fired into "security zone." (MEM 10/9)