Addressing Knesset, PM Shamir declares Pres. Bush's stance on loan guarantees constitutes an attack on the "deepest foundations of Jewish and Zionist consciousness." Shamir also insists that Israel approve Palestinian delegates to peace conference and states Israel will not negotiate with any Palestinian who announces affiliation with PLO while at the conference. (WP, MEM 10/8)
Israeli security forces impose a ban on travel to Jerusalem for residents of the o.t. in an attempt to forestall violence on 8 October, first anniversary of the 1990 disturbances on the Haram al-Sharif which left 18 Palestinians dead. (AFP 10/8, in FBIS 10/9)
The new Israeli voluntary society Sikuy ("Chance") issues report indicating that 46% of Palestinian families in Israel live below the poverty line, compared to 8% of Jewish families. Palestinian academics hold only 10 of some 5,000 academic positions in Israel while only 17 of 1,310 senior positions in government are filled by Palestinians. (Davar 10/8, in FBIS 10/9)
Undercover Israeli agents kill Palestinian youth, 'Imad 'Abdullah 'Atiq, in Burkin village near Jenin. (MEM 10/7)
Turkish Pres. Turgut Ozal announces that proposed conference on Middle East water resources scheduled to meet 3-9 November in Turkey will be postponed [see 8/16]. (WP 10/8)