Israeli Border Police capture suspected armed Palestinian activist near al-Najah University, Nablus. In pursuit of 20 "wanted" armed activists, IDF demands that everyone leaving university submit to body search; 200 students barricade themselves inside the university. Army says activists entered the university following campus elections (which favored Fateh over Hamas, 11 to 0). Leaders Faisal Husseini and Sa'ib 'Urayqat travel to Nablus to calm the situation. (Qol Yisra'el 7/15 in FBIS 7/15)
Outgoing PM Shamir meets privately with PM Rabin, formally hands over prime ministership. (Qol Yisra'el 7/14 in FBIS 7/14)
Qalqiliya (W. Bank) Chamber of Commerce holds elections, PLO-identified National List wins 8 of 9 seats, Islamic List (Hamas) wins 1. (Qol Yisra'el 7/14 in FBIS 7/14)
Israeli undercover unit shoots dead "wanted" Fateh Black Panther activist near Janin, W. Bank. (MM 7/14)
Arab and Palestinian leaders and delegates reject Rabin's invitation in 7/13 speech for meeting in Jerusalem before positive concrete steps are taken by new govt., express cautious optimism about peace process. (NYT, WP 7/14, 15)
IDF fires incendiary shells into Nabatiyya area, S. Lebanon. Islamic Resistance attacks Israeli patrol, IDF resumes shelling "security zone" border villages of Jaru, 'Ayn Bu Siwar. (Radio Lebanon 7/14 in FBIS 7/15; Voice of the Oppressed 7/15 in FBIS 7/15)
Pres. Mubarak sends cable of congratulations to PM Rabin. (MENA 7/14 in FBIS 7/14)