Monday, April 5, 1993

Extended Palestinian leadership suspends 4 days of meetings in Tunis, postpones decision on resumption of talks until 4/18-19 FMs meeting in Amman. Hamas declined invitation to attend. (RMC 4/3 in FBIS 4/5; Radio Algiers 4/5 in FBIS 4/6)

Palestinian Christians demand access to East Jerusalem on Easter. O.t. have been sealed since 3/31. (WT 4/6)

Fateh commander in Lebanon accuses Lebanon and Syria of aiding Fateh Revolutionary Council (Abu Nidal) to force Palestinians to resume talks with Israel, declares open war on FRC. Fateh fires rockets at Israel, landing harmlessly in"security zone," in retaliation for 4/1 assassination-lst Fateh attacks on Israel since 10/91. (WT 4/6; AFP, VOL 4/6 in FBIS 4/7)

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) labor. mins. meet in Amman, first such meeting in Jordan since the Gulf war. Kuwait announces it will honor its compensation pledges to Jordanians and Palestinians who lost their jobs after the war. (MM 4/2, 4/14)