Sunday, April 23, 1995
PA Planning M Shaath, Israeli o.t. coordinator Oren Shahor meet to discuss upcoming joint comm. meeting, improving economic situation in Gaza, making it easier to cross at Rafah, Allenby Bridge. (QY 4/24 in FBIS 4/25)
Israeli Industry and Trade M Mikha Harish accuses Morocco of "political boycott," recalls delegation of Israeli industrialists in kingdom to attend trade show after Moroccan customs officials confiscate, refuse to release their product samples. (JP 4/24 in FBIS 4/25)
Pres. Clinton says he will seek broad powers to combat domestic terrorism, incl. easing federal ability to check credit, travel documents, hotel records of suspects, requiring phone companies to assure easy access for government wiretaps. (NYT, WP 4/24)