Israel, PA hold talks on elections in Jericho, agree Palestinians will vote separately for autonomy council and council's president when they hold self-rule elections. No progress is made on redeployment. (QY, VOP 2/13 in FBIS 2/14; WT 2/15: PR 2/20)
Jordan says it will give priority to "stranded" Palestinians--the 60,000-80,000 Palestinians caught in Jordan after the 1967 war because their reentry visas expired--in upcoming talks with Israel on refugees. (JT 2/13 in FBIS 2/15)
Jordanian FM al-Kabariti, U.S. Secy of State Christopher meet in Washington; discuss bilateral issues, peace process. (RJ 2/13 in FBIS 2/14)
Israeli press reports that Israeli Druze soldier killed in 1/31 clash with Hizballah was in fact accidently killed by his own troops when he was mistaken for a hostile Arab during a "kill verification" to assure all enemy forces were dead. PM Rabin denies IDF soldiers are allowed to kill wounded gunmen but says that in clashes with Arabs "if something moves, you shoot it." (WT 2/14)
Israel agrees to resume fuel deliveries to Gaza suspended 2/7 via Erez checkpoint, will begin laying pipe lines nr. Nahal Oz, Rafah checkpoints so fuel can be delivered without using Israeli trucks. (MM 2/13; QY 2/13 in FBIS 2/14)
Palestinian police arrest 4 Palestinians, incl. frmr. leader if Fateh Hawks in Rafah, for allegedly shooting at Israeli targets. (Ma'ariv 2/13 in FBIS 2/14)